Stupid question.

I'm generally a vodka tonic type of guy.
I have another realization. My chickens all have breasts, but there are no nipples. Are they defective?
just wanted to let you know that a hen only has one nipple. Its on her back near her tail. The chicks have to take turns. Now none of them will want to latch on. You have to force them.

How is it an important thread like this has slipped under my radar for 3 days and I never even knew it was here?

This is one of those threads I should be involved with from the start!

Blooie sorry about stealing your answer, I posted mine before I read yours...

BUT now that you will read this,, what type of heating pad do I need to make one of your chicky igloos?

I am too lazy to try and find the answer where I should....

NorthFl... When I prepare a cat that lives as a vegetarian for sunday dinner, do I have to fix it differently than a regular cat? Does it affect the meat taste and quality?

Do I have to roast the cat longer?
fyi you can use a torch to remove the extra fur.
just wanted to let you know that a hen only has one nipple. Its on her back near her tail. The chicks have to take turns. Now none of them will want to latch on. You have to force them.
fyi you can use a torch to remove the extra fur.
Good tip.

(And before anyone gets excited, I like cats! Especially with bbq sauce.)

Just kidding!
A hibatchi is the preferred method, but any old weber will do.

Then I'm gold baby, gold
Well I might as well add that I prefer cat thinly sliced with some salt on dinner rolls with butter.
yes, the cat was a vegetarian as well, and he was the kind of vegetarian who was sure to let everybody know it was for "moral" reasons. Somehow he could always slip his preference for carrots over meat in almost any conversation. He was no good at catching mice either. That's why we are considering eatin him.

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