Stupid yolk question in...3...2...1...


11 Years
May 4, 2008
119 my hens free range and we have TONS of crickets that keep them super busy.

My Daughter asked me a question yesterday and I didn't know the answer...I think I do...but I'd hate to tell her and then be proven here goes...

When a chicken eats a cricket (or whatever) is there ANY chance that a part of the cricket could wind up in the yolk?

I did tell her that first it goes into the crop where it should get ground up and then would go into the stomach where it should get disolved and then pooped out....that the yolk was something different....but she asked me if I was absolutely, positively, double-dog sure....

Double-dog sure is a I figured I better check in with the experts......

Tell her she's safe...
The cricket would go into the crop then pass through to the gizzard where it is ground up and passes on to the intestines where nutrients are absorbed and the waste is exited via the vent.

The eggs are created in another system in the hen. There is no way pieces of cricket could end up in an egg.

Tell your daughter she is safe.

But, just to mess with her head, eat one of the eggs, then later that day start chirping like a cricket...
You just have to mess with the kid. I remember for days I had my son thinking he would grow a watermelon vine out of his belly button. He was so worried he carried tweezers around in case he saw any growth.
Oh funny as that is...if you knew my Daughter, she'd NEVER eat an egg again.

My 16yr. Son told my 11yr. Daughter and 10yr. Son that mayonaise was made by grinding up fish bones... (yeah, I dunno where he came up with that one either) but needless to say it took 2 years to get them to eat tuna sandwiches with mayo...or any other thing with mayo on it. I read them the ingredients...even made homemade mayo right in front of them....didn't was STILL made with fish bones, I just didn't add them. chirping for me...hahahahaha

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