Sub-zero temps: What can I do to keep the girls warm?

The window is facing south. I took down the board on the left side, but last night when I went out to check on them, their water had frozen despite the fact that I use a lightbulb to heat the water.
It is good that you have a window on the South side. My girls will sit along the roost bar and sun on the really cold days. You may consider a heated water dispenser if your water is freezing. Tractor Supply has a 2 gallon dispenser that plugs in and keeps the water thawed. Mine do the job regardless of the temperatures.

As far as the ventilation... It would be ideal if you can buy a couple of 50 cent hinges and hinge the boards that cover your vents. This way you can crack them open slightly to block winds but let moist air escape. We are getting sub zero teens here in a few days as well.

Hope this helps!

Simply hinge a board over your vents or at least leave a portion of the vent uncovered for ventilation
That sounds like a good idea! I'll see what I can do.

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