Substitutes for chick starter(no grit)


5 Years
Apr 10, 2018
New York State
I have 2 5 lb bags of medicated chick starter coming this week. We're running out, though, and may not make it to when the new food arrives. Does anyone know some good substitutes(for about a day) to feed my chicks until the new food comes? They haven't started getting grit yet.
Hard boiled egg would be the best thing for now.
You could also feed some fish, like tuna or mackerel and if you have access to some sand, that will work as grit.
Do you have any feed for mature chickens?
Thanks! We're kind of low on eggs right now though, do you think 3 week old chicks can eat cooked rice or raw rice for 3 days? We also have cheerios that we could mush up. Would they need grit for that?
Thanks! We're kind of low on eggs right now though, do you think 3 week old chicks can eat cooked rice or raw rice for 3 days? We also have cheerios that we could mush up. Would they need grit for that?
Anything that is not chicken feed, crumble or pellet, they need grit. No raw rice. Period. And the issue with rice and cherios in general is it's practically devoid of nutrients and very high in glucose which could radically upset their digestive tract. Are you not close to any kind of store? Walmart? Even layer feed would be better than rice.

First choice: grower feed
Second choice: all-flock feed
Third choice: layer feed
If you're really set against going someplace to buy feed or unable to, cooked brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, or farro are higher-protein subs, mixed with either cooked oatmeal or barley. You can give them plain yogurt or cottage cheese for another protein boost, in small amounts. But if at all possible please don't rely on Cheerios or white rice. Those are very high in glucose and will likely throw off their gut bacteria. They are at the age that they are very susceptible to Coccidiosis, a parasitic infection. Not trying to scare you, just prepare you.
If you're really set against going someplace to buy feed or unable to, cooked brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, or farro are higher-protein subs, mixed with either cooked oatmeal or barley. You can give them plain yogurt or cottage cheese for another protein boost, in small amounts. But if at all possible please don't rely on Cheerios or white rice. Those are very high in glucose and will likely throw off their gut bacteria. They are at the age that they are very susceptible to Coccidiosis, a parasitic infection. Not trying to scare you, just prepare you.
Thank you! Will do, I’m really hoping to be able to make a trip to the local TSC soon.
Thanks! We're kind of low on eggs right now though, do you think 3 week old chicks can eat cooked rice or raw rice for 3 days? We also have cheerios that we could mush up. Would they need grit for that?
They can go without feed for a day as long as they have water. The cheerios would be ok. Raw rice wouldn't be. Too hard.

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