SUCH a lucky chick!

do you think it would be a good idea to take the chick?

@galanie I normally have an incredibly clingy cockatiel but he's very sick at the moment and I can only touch him with gloves. He's so sick I don't think he knows whether it'd day or night so I have the time to raise a chick. Plus I was only going to keep one of these three chicks, so getting another.. I'm not sure.

@fiddlebanshee I'd be happy with that during the day but I'd be terrified to roll onto him and squash him at night!

I've seen that you can use a 100watt bulb but I don't have one of those, and it's 11:30 at night so can't get one any time soon. It's almost summer here too so we don't have any heating or anything on so I can't use that to my advantage.
This may be the wrong answer, but I'd take all 3 chicks and put them in a brooder box. I don't think Momma will mind and they will have each other for company. A big rubbermaid box will work. Suspend a light over it and that will give them enough warmth. Or at the very least give him a little stuffed animal to snuggle. Put a 100 watt bulb in and watch that he can't get too close to it. Lots of people can tell you how to set something up. I didn't buy anything but the pine shavings. Had a rubbermaid box and a light already.

Good luck and keep posting!
Awww as I read this my clingy cockatiel is clamoring for more head rubs! So very sad to hear yours is sick, I hope he gets better soon.

You're right to be afraid of squishing it in your sleep. People do it and have no accidents but I'd be wary too. Besides wanting to be permanently attached to you forever, a lone chick like that is always going to be a loner. Even when put out with the rest, it never bonded with other chickens and doesn't really know how to be a chicken. So it will live on the edge of the flock, never really being a part of it. Try putting it under mum one more time, at night, and if that doesn't work, then I really urge you to get it a friend. Or, as suggested, brood all three together.
Apparently one cup of coffee isn't doing it for me this morning. I totally read this as if you heated up the chick in the microwave
. I'm glad it was just my poor reading comprehension skills.

How's the little chickie doing? Did you bring it inside in a brooder?

Gah so do I this is his 3rd month on antibiotics, first week on anti yeast meds (secondary infection due to the antibiotics), he throws up almost every time he eats, his head is so discusting and encrusted with vomit and seeds, I had to cut off his crest so it would stop poking/annoying him. The vet insists he will get better, it just takes a long time and it's worth it because the infection hadn't spread to his vital organs yet.

I put him back under again, originally I put him under her about an hour after dark, this time was 11pm, I think I'll wake up and check on them every two hours or so, I've got attached to the little neck snuggler! Not sure about taking them all, they'd all have to be raised inside as my coop won't have enough room for both. If only she's had 4 chicks!!! lol
Like the puppy in 101 Dalmations! One of the things I loved about working in a vet's office was that the whole staff (even us lowly receptionists) were called in to revive puppies from c-section births.
Like the puppy in 101 Dalmations! One of the things I loved about working in a vet's office was that the whole staff (even us lowly receptionists) were called in to revive puppies from c-section births.

You got it 101 Dalmatians.

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