sudden chick mortality


8 Years
May 14, 2012
up until right now id have the occasional oops like a chick that decided to lay in the water so i have larger pebbles in the chick waterer now. I worried about cramping and smothering so i move chicks that are larger or have developed more feathers into other brooders to not have squishing. for anyone wondering there are always less than 15 chicks in this brooder and its large.

temps start at 90F day 1 every week i go down by 10 unless they act chilled and gradually reduce from there.

ive been doing good with this until this batch of chicks same breed ! it seems every day i come in to 3-4 dead laid out on their bellies like starfish

other chicks will be running around happily all over the brooder playing not clustering but not avoiding each other either and no panting.

i watched ad finally found the possible sequence one will suddenly begin to get slower less active (within 24 hours) then they will lay down like normal and sometimes the head will lean back and bob like they are very tired they will begin to have the head tilt to the side and have what looks like small convulsions until they are laid out like a starfish

a friend suggested putting vitamin e on beaks but they just rub it off and i dont know who to treat ive also had some ive done this to when i begin to spot the slow behavior and they pass away anyway.

what could be my issue? poop is normal
up until right now id have the occasional oops like a chick that decided to lay in the water so i have larger pebbles in the chick waterer now. I worried about cramping and smothering so i move chicks that are larger or have developed more feathers into other brooders to not have squishing. for anyone wondering there are always less than 15 chicks in this brooder and its large.

temps start at 90F day 1 every week i go down by 10 unless they act chilled and gradually reduce from there.

ive been doing good with this until this batch of chicks same breed ! it seems every day i come in to 3-4 dead laid out on their bellies like starfish

other chicks will be running around happily all over the brooder playing not clustering but not avoiding each other either and no panting.

i watched ad finally found the possible sequence one will suddenly begin to get slower less active (within 24 hours) then they will lay down like normal and sometimes the head will lean back and bob like they are very tired they will begin to have the head tilt to the side and have what looks like small convulsions until they are laid out like a starfish

a friend suggested putting vitamin e on beaks but they just rub it off and i dont know who to treat ive also had some ive done this to when i begin to spot the slow behavior and they pass away anyway.

what could be my issue? poop is normal
I'd treat them with antibiotics.

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