Sudden Death 1.5 week old chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2021
Hey there, first time raising Cornish Giant meat birds. I’ve had laying hens for a year and aside from my dog killing 3 have had zero issues or illness with any.

I got these chicks on April 28th, hatched the 27th. They are unvacced, on regular chick starter. Plain water, have had maybe 3 days of water with a tiny splash of ACV. Brooder lamp temp is good according to recommended chick temps chart. They seem lively. Then two mornings in a row I’ve had one dead one. No pasty butt appear on the deceased chicks. Have cleaned 3–4 with pasty butt but nothing in the last 4-5 days. No signs of distress when I check them for the evening, temp in brooder is good when I peek on them for the night.

Should I be adding electrolytes or something? There’s no poops in the bedding that looks abnormal. Changing bedding regularly, changing water 2 times a day. Failure to thrive? I did have 1 chick initially upon receiving them that had some umbilical cord crustiness going on, I can’t even tell if that’s one of the ones that died but perhaps? I still have 43 birds even with the losses but any loss is frustrating, though I’m not new to the livestock industry in general I’m aware losses are part of the deal at times.

Any advice appreciated.
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Can you please post some photos of your brooder set-up? Chicks?
Measurements of the brooder?
What is the temperature in the brooder - under the lamp, on the cool side, etc. several temp readings would be good.
Yes! Here are some photos and varying temps. The size is about 5x9 ft, and they will have outside access by 3ish weeks old I’m thinking during the day. Chicks seem lively and eating/drinking so maybe I’m just not sure what to look for? But both chicks that died there were none in distress the evening prior to me finding them.


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Your temps seem fine. I don't necessarily do it for chicks since there can be so many reasons for unexplained death including some that can't be determined but I always send birds of other ages to the state poultry lab for necropsy and lab work. You may not want to do so for meat birds but for my rare birds, it is imperative I know why they died.
If you continue to lose some, you may want to do so.
What state are you in?
Your temps seem fine. I don't necessarily do it for chicks since there can be so many reasons for unexplained death including some that can't be determined but I always send birds of other ages to the state poultry lab for necropsy and lab work. You may not want to do so for meat birds but for my rare birds, it is imperative I know why they died.
If you continue to lose some, you may want to do so.
What state are you in?
Interesting, I’m not sure what that would look like for me but I’m sure a local vet could offer info on that. I’m in Alberta, Canada. If I continue to lose some I think I might check out this route. Couldn’t find any corrid today (Sunday) but did find some vitamin and electrolytes to add to water if need be. Here’s hoping I can nip what ever this is in the bud. Still been getting pretty cool at night, maybe night time needs another bulb in the lamp.
Since you are in Canada, you may have to go through a Vet to find Amprolium (Corid) unless you know someone that raises cattle that can give you some.

Any chance the chicks just got trampled or suffocated at the bottom of a pile?
Your brooder looks great to me, temps good too. All chicks are spaced out nice.
My chicks have only had pasty butt 1-2 day before it cleared up (shipped chicks).If your chicks kept pasty butt a week -10 days and only quit 4-5 days ago they were likely eating their bedding.I they aren't being free fed they may have been bored and ate it.

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