Suffering bad after loss


6 Years
Dec 30, 2016
Hello i recently hatched some ducklings i had to assist in hatching with some of them and because i left one too long it died
I kinda got over that and had one last one hatch it kept getting out the incubator and for some reason i dont know why i just put the lid back on and thought it wouldnt get out again i quickly went out and when i came home i couldnt hear it so i went in the bedroom and the lid was off the incubator and there was blood and yellow stuff on top of stairs i dont know what happened ive looked everywhere for it and my only guess is the cat had it im so angry and upset with myself and all i keep thinking is that poor little duckling in everything i do each day just keep thinking about it it was all my fault and i wish i would find it alive but i know thats impossible cant stop greiving is this normal or am i just over reacting
Just feel like i need to talk to someone about it
I'm sorry for your loss :-( we all handle death/grieve differently. It's never easy losing a life. There is no right or wrong way. Try not to beat yourself up over what happened. There are always what ifs, I should have, etc.
Again, I'm sorry.
This is normal! We are human, so guilt and sadness are built right into ya! I am sorry that this has happened but don't worry, you aren't alone. It is going to take some getting used to with losing this duckling, and if this helps, most ducklings don't end up surviving in nature anyways. You aren't overreacting, I would have acted in the same way. Yes, it is tragic, but just think that now that little duckling is in a better place. Also, it isn't entirely your fault. I'm sorry that this happened if you need to talk more this is a great community and I can continue to talk to you, too.
I'm sorry for your loss :-( we all handle death/grieve differently. It's never easy losing a life. There is no right or wrong way. Try not to beat yourself up over what happened. There are always what ifs, I should have, etc.
Again, I'm sorry.

Thankyou its hard trying to convince myself that it wasnt all my fault but i still feel responsible guess i just got to try and move on from happened and learn from it
Thanks for the help
This is normal! We are human, so guilt and sadness are built right into ya! I am sorry that this has happened but don't worry, you aren't alone. It is going to take some getting used to with losing this duckling, and if this helps, most ducklings don't end up surviving in nature anyways. You aren't overreacting, I would have acted in the same way. Yes, it is tragic, but just think that now that little duckling is in a better place. Also, it isn't entirely your fault. I'm sorry that this happened if you need to talk more this is a great community and I can continue to talk to you, too.

Its so sad but im glad i have 5 healthy ducklings just really got to watch my cat he was brought up with baby rabbits was surprised that he took a duckling and only just hatched as well :(
Thankyou everyone for the help made me feel abit better i just got to try and stop thinking about it and concentrate on the others ive definatley learned tho the hard way :hmm

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