Suggestions for a First Aid Kit - Updated 8-01-2020

I will add them! Can you explain what each item can be used for?
yes, sorry, i was mobile at the time

Tums,- for a possible egg bound girl
axe - for culling
ether - for culling a weak/deformed/ill chick
bandaids - to cover open belly buttons, also works for spraddle leg
straws - for hip displacement and spraddle leg
childs hair elastics - again for spraddle leg
duct tape - is good for EVERYTHING

also add
electrical tape to make shoes for chicks
vet wrap to wrap up angel wing, droopy wingss or cover up treated feet
Kat, your awesome!

how about some chick hatching items, Band aids for curled toe and such? I assume that any tape can be used. I would add behind the antibiotic ointment (NON pain relief) unwaxed Dental Floss

Nail clippers and is bottle water on that?

Thanks Kat, sorry cant really think right now, lack of sleep and stress uggggg
axe - for culling

ether - for culling a weak/deformed/ill chick
bandaids - to cover open belly buttons, also works for spraddle leg
straws - for hip displacement and spraddle leg
childs hair elastics - again for spraddle leg
duct tape - is good for EVERYTHING

also add
electrical tape to make shoes for chicks
vet wrap to wrap up angel wing, droopy wingss or cover up treated feet

lol I had this tab open and never updated!!! oopsies Hi Liz!!
Kat, your awesome!

how about some chick hatching items, Band aids for curled toe and such? I assume that any tape can be used.   I would add behind the antibiotic ointment (NON pain relief)  unwaxed Dental Floss

Nail clippers and is bottle water on that?  

Thanks Kat, sorry cant really think right now, lack of sleep and stress uggggg   

Sally, thanks!
Tubing in case needed for choking. See Storey's Guide
Collapsible soft-sided laundry basket for transport short distances - this has helped with a prolapsed duck, keeping her from flailing around so much between shelter and bathtub
Scissors with rounded tips to avoid puncturing skin
Magnifying mirror (makes it easier to inspect lower mandible)
Bolt cutters, Leatherman tool - ducks can get hung up on thick wire
I've added all but the tubing, which I will add once I understand how it used... Can you elaborate on it a little?
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