Suggestions for a First Aid Kit - Updated 8-01-2020

pliers - for twisting off spurs
I just learned a new tool to use with the pliers for this; foil covered baked potato (hot) to stick on the spur (but not the poor leg) for a few minutes before using the pliers to reduce any bleeding from pulling off the spur. Maybe keep a potato handy with some foil to cover it with after microwaving??
I just learned a new tool to use with the pliers for this; foil covered baked potato (hot) to stick on the spur (but not the poor leg) for a few minutes before using the pliers to reduce any bleeding from pulling off the spur. Maybe keep a potato handy with some foil to cover it with after microwaving??
i have seen this before, i think that it doesnt necessarily lessen the bleeding but loosens the spur itself so it comes off more cleanly

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