Suggestions for a First Aid Kit - Updated 8-01-2020

This is great, Kathy, along with your other link regarding how to care for a sick or injured bird.

At the beginning, you mentioned you would start a Meds for Illness thread. Did you ever get around to that? If so, may I have the link? If not, I hope to start sonething similar, in a chart format.
This is great, Kathy, along with your other link regarding how to care for a sick or injured bird.

At the beginning, you mentioned you would start a Meds for Illness thread. Did you ever get around to that? If so, may I have the link? If not, I hope to start sonething similar, in a chart format.

I never started the illness/medication thread because I was having trouble figuring how to organize the info. I saw the thread you started and I think it might be worth trying.

Dog crate to use as a hospital cage....

Please see my dog crate warning. Spoiler: wrap crate in chicken wire, screening, hardware cloth. Anything really.


Collapsible soft-sided laundry basket for transport short distances

Milk crates can also work for all but the largest of birds. Or there are file bins you can get at office supply stores that are just slightly larger than a milk crate.


Small Wire Cutters (for triming beaks/nails)


We have a bird with a split beak that is prone to overgrowing. We trim it with guillotine style dog/cat nail clippers.


  • Permethrin dust
  • Permethrin spray

IME DE works better than permethrin spray. I dust the whole coop before moving the birds in, and after any wet cleaning. I also put it along the outside of my house where the siding meets the foundation, and I don't worry about ants anymore even with three kids who can not seem to eat over a plate.

Oh, and for wound treatment Briotech is amazing on humans and cats. Haven't tried it on birds yet but I would expect the same results. It feels like water so no stinging or pain, and it makes wounds heal faster. Good stuff.
Following as well. I need to get some of these things but will prioritize since that’s going to be a hefty bill when all is said and one.

Any idea of “Top 10” most used or duck-specific items that I should focus on?
Hmmm.... here are my thoughts at the moment.

Epsom salt (sprains and digestive flush)

Vitamins with probiotics and electrolytes (tonic, post-fkush and similar restorative

Antimicrobial ointment

Antimicrobial cream (lets air reach skin)

Calcium citrate (soft shells)

Turmeric (anti inflammatory including egg binding prevention)

Nail clippers for critters

Oral syringe (for giving liquids), or tube feeding equipment (be SURE you know how to properly use it)

Comfrey/comfrey salve (healing salve especially for sprains, closed wounds)
Hmmm.... here are my thoughts at the moment.

Epsom salt (sprains and digestive flush)

Vitamins with probiotics and electrolytes (tonic, post-fkush and similar restorative

Antimicrobial ointment

Antimicrobial cream (lets air reach skin)

Calcium citrate (soft shells)

Turmeric (anti inflammatory including egg binding prevention)

Nail clippers for critters

Oral syringe (for giving liquids), or tube feeding equipment (be SURE you know how to properly use it)

Comfrey/comfrey salve (healing salve especially for sprains, closed wounds)
I thought I had many of those. Hmm, I'll go check.
Blu-kote, permethrin 10 or powder and package of powder vitamin with electrolytes. That's all you need. Blu-kote is an antimicrobial spray for wounds found at any agway or TSC along with large packets or single dose packets electrolytes and permethrin. Total cost for all three is about 25 bucks. No need for the electrolytes unless you hatch chicks or are in extremely hot climate.

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