

11 Years
May 30, 2008
pulaski wisconsin
when sumatras first feather out do they have a lot of white on them and then it goes away with the first molt? because the chicks i have are supposed to be sumatras but they have a lot of white on them and was just wondering if they were maybe a cross.
You have nothing to worry about. That is generally how they are and loose all the white feathers. I didn't see a full grown one yet with a white feather on a black. It could happen but that is the exception not the rule. Good luck, they were one of my favorites, like to see them roam free ranging around my house. I had blacks and pure whites but sold them last year. Harry
I had blacks and pure whites but sold them last year.

You had White Sumatras??? Please tell me you have pictures of the birds. And where in the world did you manage to get White Sumatras. I loved my pair of Bantam Black Sumatras I got from a breeder in Florida.

And to answer your question as they grow in more feathers they will loose the white ones and grow in more black...​

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