Summer Project

I'm going to try and work on my project this weekend, and sorry can't post pics remember it's a secrete. So we can give each other clues.

On another topic anyone do a T-shirt quilt here? My daughter in law has given me lots of shirts to put one together for her and I'd like to get it done for her birthday, yep it's in July, so tips/tricks etc very much appreciated!!!!
I'm going to try and work on my project this weekend, and sorry can't post pics remember it's a secrete. So we can give each other clues.

On another topic anyone do a T-shirt quilt here? My daughter in law has given me lots of shirts to put one together for her and I'd like to get it done for her birthday, yep it's in July, so tips/tricks etc very much appreciated!!!!

A lightweight fusible web will be your best friend for tshirt quilt. Go slow and when quiltin don't try to do a lot of heavy quiltin on it. I have seen a lot of people do mostly quiltin in the sashin (if usin sashin) if you are able. I tie mine.. just cause i don't wanna deal with possible shiftin of the shirts.
So to do this.... are some colors and prints more liked here? Some not? I am really thinkin of joinin in the fun. Oh. And since it is a mini.. does it need a sleeve to hamg as well? Maybe it will help me to get my sewin/quiltin mojos back. ;(. It has been lost from me for a bit. But i have been knittin.
As I say your the artist and in this challenge it's makers choice read first post and I'm on here for questions or one of the ladies will help. I challenge you to try something new/technique or style. You can throw hints of what your making but keep it a secret. We will have a grand reveal when all quilts are in their new homes. I hope this helps and welcome to the group
So to do this.... are some colors and prints more liked here? Some not? I am really thinkin of joinin in the fun. Oh. And since it is a mini.. does it need a sleeve to hamg as well? Maybe it will help me to get my sewin/quiltin mojos back. ;(. It has been lost from me for a bit. But i have been knittin.
You can put a hanging sleeve if you wish. I don't know how to knit bet you have some lovely things made post pics we would love to see them. Share something about yourself if you like. Do you have chickens?

I'm married with 3 grown kids. I have dogs cats and a boat load of chickens. Mostly mixed breeds. Live in North Georgia.
As Kat said, she, Rosie and I have been doing this kind of swap for several years. I've done it longest and now have five little quilts from all over the world including Tasmania. To give you an idea, go to and you can see the quilts that have been swapped over the years and see how the swap works. Some of them are magnificent and have been done by well known Quilters but don't be put off. The rest of us are just ordinary but we do our best.
I'm going to try and work on my project this weekend, and sorry can't post pics remember it's a secrete. So we can give each other clues.

On another topic anyone do a T-shirt quilt here? My daughter in law has given me lots of shirts to put one together for her and I'd like to get it done for her birthday, yep it's in July, so tips/tricks etc very much appreciated!!!!
I have done several T-shirt quilts. Yes! Use a light weight fusible web on the backs of the T-shirts to give them some stability. Make sure stretch of the web is opposite to the stretch of the T-shirts. If you lay the T-shirts on a table in front of you and they stretch more north and south, then apply the fusible web so that it stretches more east and west. Try not to stretch the T-shirts or the fusible web as you are ironing the web to the backs of the T-shirts, and iron from the back. Be careful ironing because some of the emblems on the T-shirts can melt and smear when the get hot as you iron. Cut your T-shirt blocks out bigger than the size that you want them to be, then iron the web onto the T-shirts BEFORE you cut the T-shirts down to the final size that you want them to be. If you have never used fusible web before, you need to know that it can stick to your iron and your ironing board and make a mess. So be sure you use a pressing sheet to avoid the mess. You don't have to have sashing in your quilt, but it will help keep everything stale and squared up. Same for borders. Quilt all over the quilt including on the T-shits to help keep everything stable and prevent the fusible web fro separating from the T-shirts. Use a large quilting pattern rather than tight quilting. You don't want the quilting to be a distraction from the emblems on the T-shirts. Use a neutral colored thread. A dark thread on light colored T-shirts will be distracting, but it's less distracting to use a light thread on dark T-shirts, so go with a lighter color. Maybe just white or off-white. IF all of the T-shirts are dark colors, you might want to use grey thread.
I just went to Craftsy to look for ideas, I have been a member for yrs. It only shows one of my classes and 3 patterns. I'm really upset:barnie

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