Summer Quilt block swap - We use similar colors, but each pick a different block

Well, I am doing it today. Hitting the fabric store. I spent all of yesterday knitting my sweetie's sleeping socks for his hike. They are done, and I am free of them now. (He was SUCH a nag! I told him, from now on, I will only make things for him as a surprise. Goodness me.) He loves them, and that is good. They were my first socks.

The blocks will be a sanity saver for me, too, while he is gone. I plan to make a ton of stuff & expand the garden over the next 6 months, anything to keep myself busy so I don't lose it while he is away. It is getting close now, he leaves a week from tomorrow.

Gin, glad to see you joined us!
Hope you all had a lovely holiday if you celebrate, and weekend if you do not.

I am ready to go full steam ahead on my quilt this week.
Last week I was SO busy at work getting ready for Easter, and SO busy at home getting my sweetie ready for his 6 month hike.
Sent him off yesterday after the family dinner, and now I just need to stay as busy as I can until his return.

I went straight to my sister's house (she & her husband are hairstylists in Boston) and got 2.5 POUNDS of hair cut off (they just had to weigh it, it was such a lot of hair)! I don't look like a chicken farmer anymore. I forgot about "bedhead" with short hair.

So, now I can quilt with impunity, and never need a hair-tie.
Yesterday I cut a lot of squares and sew them together, cut them and ironed them....................and now I need to sort them to put the blocks together..............My colours are purple, orange and yellow...........Hope you all like it

@Kitchengirl................Wow so much hair you lost????????? Amazing. Will you stay with the look or let you grow it long again?
Hope the time will fly by for you
Congrats on the haircut! Do you have any before and after pics?
and Balefire, it sounds like you have a good start on it! Cutting out the pieces is always the worst for me to get through.
Quote: Yes, I wanted a drastic change.
In the last year I have moved, changed careers, changed the instrument I play, joined a new band, become a "homesteader", and now am here on my own for 6 months of growth & evolution.
I thought it was time the outside was new, too.
My hair is so short! It is never in my face, and yesterday it was dry before I got to work in the morning! Usually it took until evening for my hair to dry!

Cutting is the hardest part to get through for me. Last time I cut strips & then finished cutting the squares each block I made, and I liked that way a lot better. It made it feel like it took less time because I would cut one set of squares, sew them & feel like, "ooh, that was fast, let's do another!".

Surprise day off today! I know what I will be doing (after I catch up on housework & yard chores, getting ready for his departure the last few weeks a lot has fallen through the cracks.

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