Sun Conure Fear of Me !


Apr 8, 2022
So me and my mom bought a swing for my sun conure his name is mango. When I was going to put him in the swing he fell flat on the floor. Then when I try picking him up he was totally afraid of me he don’t like me now every time I try to get close to step up on my finger he won’t get near me. Is it lost trust or he is maturing now his age he is over a year old now male. I love him so much I believe that same day he fought with one of my green cheek conures which it was older then my sun so not sure he has build fear over that or more over me ? My sun conure is clipped so he won’t fly out of my house he isn’t in caged what can be the cause of his fear what can he make me love me again and be nicer and cuddle with me he don’t want me to hold him or give kisses to me anymore when I got mango he was my sisters in laws bird when he was a baby but she gave up on him and I took him in and gave him attention ? Does mango need of a female ?
Mango does NOT need a female. He just needs time and patience. Try spending a lot of time just near him, talking to him. Read out loud, do your homework next to him. The passive attention will make him both comfortable and curious,
I can't say for sure with a parrot, but I have worked with various different birds. If something traumatic happens, they can become more fearful. Sometimes it has to do with the way respond to the event as well. It is a lot easier to lose their trust, but it can built back up with time and patience.

Hopefully someone with more experience with parrots can help. But that is my educated guess.
How is he?? No female as that will make him more hormonal and mean.

I had a sun conure named mango, sadly he passed away last may 😢 I miss him so much. Sun conures are beautiful , sweet birds. Yours should come around with time

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