Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

This thread inspired me. I am getting a couple of bushels of apples on Wednesday. Canning time!!!!!
I made this and it is the best apple butter I have ever had!! I don't remember how many jars but they were half pint jars that I used and probably about 6-8. You can either add more spices or less do it as you like. It is the best!
I made quarts upon quarts of it last year and is absolutly the best better than any store bought. my family loves it.
Yep!! I made quite a bit last year. The freeze damaged my trees here this spring and I have 4 apples on my tree. My family threatened me by saying I was NOT to give away any more jars of apple butter since we wont be making alot this year. (I hope to get some at an orchard)
I just made this again with a 5 gallon buckt of apples! How nice that this recipe keeps circulating becasue it really is easy and fail proof!!...makes a great gift item too!!
Scrambled- I can't believe you had a 5 gallon bucket too! My dh brought home a 5 gallon bucket the other day that a customer brought in to where he works! LOL
How many apples did you use to do a batch? Or did you just fill up the crock pot and go from there?

This is probably my 5th batch, I think. It is so yummy! Thank you again! We love it!
I just picked 2 bushels of organic apples at the old orchard down the street - I stopped and asked the owner if I could pick and he was thrilled that someone wanted them (the orchard hasn't been maintained in over 10 years) and they wouldn't all go to waste! My DW already has 2 crock pots going and for desert tonight we are having Apple Pie! (Mr. Tweety from Chicken Run would be jealous as we all know he LOVES Apple Pie! LOL)
While searching BYC I came upon this thread. After reading the replies I decided I must try it. I forgot the splash of vanilla but since I already have requests for more I will make sure to add it to the next batch. I just made it today and water bath canned it. Here are some pics as it was cooling. It turned out awesome. my 1 year old kept whining for more "taste tests" I used a stick blender at the end to make it finer. MMMMMMM good.
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