Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

I am so glad that this recipe was posted. This is something that I can do. I want to do canning, I want to make cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc, but I don't know how to do any of this, don't have the items needed to do it, and it all seems overwhelming. But THIS I can do! I have a crockpot, so THIS is where I will start!
Thank you so much for posting this recipe! And the great thing about it is that my husband and oldest son LOVE apple butter! So what a great way to warm hubby up to making homemade food! If I can get him some homemade apple butter then I think I got him hooked on canning, making cheese etc.

some questions:

What kind of apples do I need to use? Red Delicious? Gala?

also can I use natural sugar to make the apple butter? Rather than white granulated sugar?
My favorite way to eat apple butter is on toasted white bread. Or straight out of the jar.
ETA: You can also use one of those little sandwich toasters to make a pie like thing. It's also great, believe it or not, spread on apples!

Okiemommy, if I can make yogurt (TWO batches now!), so can you! The good news is that for yogurt, you can use GLASS mayo jars or whatever quart jars you have around. Just run them through the dishwasher -- you won't be putting them in a boiler canner or pressure canner, so they won't need to withstand those extra pressures. If you can run them through the dishwasher and fill them with boiling water, they'll work for yogurt. And I've been using a tiny styrofoam cooler I got at 7-11 -- looks like it would be perfect for a six pack. You could probably pick one up for a couple bucks. Please promise to try! You'll be SO glad you did!

I'm working up my nerve to try cottage cheese next.
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What is the shelf life of the apple butter? I guess it needs to be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. How long will it stay fresh in the refrigerator? I am thinking of this if I do give them as gifts.
They may not last long in my house either!
Okiemommy, if I can make yogurt (TWO batches now!), so can you! The good news is that for yogurt, you can use GLASS mayo jars or whatever quart jars you have around. Just run them through the dishwasher -- you won't be putting them in a boiler canner or pressure canner, so they won't need to withstand those extra pressures. If you can run them through the dishwasher and fill them with boiling water, they'll work for yogurt. And I've been using a tiny styrofoam cooler I got at 7-11 -- looks like it would be perfect for a six pack. You could probably pick one up for a couple bucks. Please promise to try! You'll be SO glad you did!

oh FloridaChickenChick I really do want to make yogurt! I can promise to make it, though I don't know how far in the future it will be. I will try yogurt, cheese, and butter at least once. I'm glad for the tips! I will file those tips in the brain...between bators and canning coolers, we are going to have a lot of styrofoam coolers around! (I havent hatched eggs yet either, but I do hope to.) I have to ease into all of this, we just bought our house, have 3 toddlers at home, and the list goes on lol but I promise I will!
oooooooh very cool, now does it have to be made in a crockpot because i have an apple tree thats producing and they will be edible soon but no crockpot

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