Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

The house smells sooooooooooooooo goooooooooooood!!!
Thanks for posting this!!!! Sounds so yummy, can't wait to make this now!! I am excited! I will let everyone know how it goes, but it might take a few days until I get to the grocery store!
You will be sooooo addicted to that stuff!! So yummy and sweet! Put it on a warm slice of bread with a cold glass of milk....OMG!!!!! sinfulllllllllll!!!
I bought the stuff for it today, and I am going to go ahead and try the natural, unprocessed sugar since I didnt get an answer and just hope for the best! I am going to try it tomorrow I hope! Here goes!!!! YAY!!!!
Sounds yummy. Am going to Lincon for the Apple Festival this fall, plan on picking up apples along the way...can't wait for peaches....
One time I used applesauce and omit the sugar because it already have sugar in it and added a bit of brown sugar, roughly half a cup and poured in three jars of applesauce with spices and cider vinegar and cook it in was yummo! House smelled heavenly...even my mother walked in and said oooooooooooo smelled so delicious!
I bought the stuff for it today, and I am going to go ahead and try the natural, unprocessed sugar since I didnt get an answer and just hope for the best! I am going to try it tomorrow I hope! Here goes!!!! YAY!!!!


No idea whether any other sugar would work, seems like it would though!! Let us know!!

Gewn..wonder if peaches would work the same just substitute? They seem more juicy than apples..try it and let us can be the guinea pig, lol!! I am still stunned over you canning 50 lbs of tomaotes yesterday!!! Supper at the Parsonage ya'll!!!

Never thought about substituting for the applesause int his recipe Ewe..I know alot of people substitute in cake mixes though.

I can't believe I posted this thread in November last year and it only now got interest, cracks me up!!!
Thanks Ewesheep! I will have to try that variation the next time I do this. I used Natural Sugar, but it's expensive
I started it late this morning, but I am almost thinking that 2 tablespoons of cinnamon may be too much for us. I'm not a big fan of cinnamon though, so I will let my hubby and son decide. Maybe it will cook into it and not be so strong?

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