Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

ok I think my assumption that there was too much cinnamon was premature. I had a bad experience with using too much cinnamon and I'm scarred for life lol. I think it tastes really good. I may have cooked it too long though. It has been in since around 11:00 or 12:00. I think with all of the interruptions from my four kiddos I may not even have put it on to simmer until around 1:00. (???) lol question is that I whisked it, and it still has chunks in it. Is it supposed to? Can I put it in the blender to get the chunks out?

Please help! It's on low now, what should I do? Thanks!!
Oh thank you!!!!!
in the blender it goes!!!
Ok in the blender it didn't go
I can't find the rubber seal for it, so I put it in the food processor. I hadnt used that yet, so I was hoping I could just use the blender. So I learned all kinds of new things today
My husband Loves it and he is pretty picky about food. YAY!!! I didnt realize that it wouldnt make all that much though. I put it in a mason Jar, and I think they are pint? Not sure, I'll have to look. so it was one full jar and then a quarter of another of the same size. How many jars do you usually get out of it when you make it scrambled eggs? Is it possible that I cooked it too long and cooked it 'down'?
You only got one and a half jars full??! Wow, not sure what happened there!! No, I use the real small jars and seems I ended up with 7 or 8 full? I think so must have used big jars, not sure. Guess you'll just have to MAKE SOME MORE!! LOL!!!!
...any excuse is better than none, lol!! I didn't get it made last weekend but I am this weekend so I'll let you know how many jars exactly I end up with...
okay I checked the size of the jars and they are quart jars ^_^ So I guess that's why I didn't end up with that many lol so that is a quart and a pint if I have a full quart jar and then a quarter of a quart jar?
Still it sure seems like I should have more...
I normally use the very small jars and I paid $1.99 a pound for 5 pounds of apples last night, forgot what they are called but they are the paler red ones..the biggest ones..the red delicious were much smaller. I just put stewed beef and rice in my big crock pot so I'll have to get the other bigger one out of the garage to put this in..also have jerky ready to put on the's raining like crazy here..great weekend to cook BIG!!!
To save the smell: Peel in the longest peel ribbons you can manage, and hang these up to dry or dry in a low oven. When your house no longer smells like apple, put a dry peel in a kettle of water with a couple of cinnamon sticks, and simmer.

I save dried apple peels and get cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, citrus peels, etc. and put them in one of those humidifier pots on the woodstove in winter. DH is a huge licorice fan so star anise and apple peels in the humidifier is his favorite.

If you have time, or are lazy, cut up the apples in larger chunks and add apple cider to the crockpot to simmer them into mush. It will have to cook longer to get to the right consistency, but the taste is more intense.

Apple butter on a toasted brioche with a mug of hot toddy on a cold autumn day...mmmmm....

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