Support your 2nd amendment rights!

It is not about what you or I or anyone thinks. It is about what the founders thought. The reason they gave us the right to bear arms. The founders firmly believe that, while government was necessary, it was a necessary evil at best and that it must be extremely limited in it's power. The entire design of the government structure they built shows that their biggest concern was keeping the government from growing too big and strong. Their first line of defense to accomplish this was to create the Constitution. If you read the Constitution, you will notice that, unlike the constitutions of other countries that prescribe rights for the people, the US constitution prescribes restrictions for government. Most of the clauses in the US constitution start with the phrase, "The government SHALL NOT". This single phrase is used over and over again in the constitution and it shows that the founder's intention was to restrict the government's size and power. So where as the constitutions of most other countries in the world provide restrictions for the people, the US constitution provides restrictions for the government.

The founders second line of defense to try and keep the government limited was the three tier system of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The whole purpose of the three tier system was that each tier would be of equal power and could oppose the others if one of them tried to step beyond the limits of the constitution. So again, we see that the founders intent was to keep the government's power limited and in check.

The third and last line of defense that the founders put in place was a well armed populous that was capable of revolting against the government if the first two lines of defense failed. The founders were revolutionaries themselves, and they believed firmly in the idea of revolution if the government were to try and take too much power. Their hope, in giving the people of this country the right to keep and bear arms, was to provide a balance of power between the government of the people. They wanted the government to always be in fear of the people so that it would not step beyond the restrictions of the constitution. The right to keep and bear arms was never about personal defense or hunting as the media and some groups try to make it about today. The singular purpose of the right to keep and bear arms was to empower the people to revolt and overthrow the government if the government should step beyond the limits of the constitution. It was the founders hope that, if the people had the power to revolt, they would never have to use it because the government would always be in fear of the people's power to revolt and would never cross that line.

So this discussion about the right to keep and bears arms is not about the right of personal defense. It is not about hunting. It is about one thing and one thing only. It is about giving the people sufficient fire power to overthrow the government. This was the intent of the founders. You don't have to go back in time and ask them, this was their intent. Now you may disagree with them if you want, but you cannot change their intent. The problem with most Americans, is that we think the government is our friend and that it is the solutions to all our problems. We have an isolated mindset and we are not students of the world and the history of governments. But our founders were very wise men and they knew that all governments, even the one that they established, had a propensity towards corruption and tyranny. To quote Thomas Paine' "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."

So when you discuss what "TYPE" of weapons the government should allow the people to posses, always make sure that no matter what type of weapon you think people should be allowed to own, that weapon is of sufficient power to enable the people to overthrow the government. Only then will you truly show wisdom and be in agreement with the founders intent.

The times may have changed and the world may have advanced technologically, but there is one thing that has not changed, and that is the heart of man and it's propensity to become corrupt and evil if given too much power. We must always remember that governments are made up of human people and all humans have a tendency become corrupt if given too much power. The history of the world bares this truth out over and over and over again. Because of this undeniable truth of humanity, we must all learn to fear the government, because it has the greatest capacity for evil. An evil lone gunman can kill 10 or 20 innocent people, but governments with too much power have killed billions of innocent people throughout the history of the world and still continue to do so today.

Know who you should fear!
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Listen to the Star spangled banner to remind you that rockets are not new. They are almost as old as gun powder its self.

So is the bomb.

The "machine" gun had been invented well before the Constitution was wrote an several were ordered by the continental congress but canceled based on budget. So no question they knew they existed an where things were going.

Luis an Clark also carried at least 1 rapid fire air gun to intimidate the natives an assure safe passage.

Then there was the automatic crossbow that was well over 1000 years old at the time. It is very fast an very deadly.

Pirates were also an issue to the colonies. They knew full well what a brood side of a cannon filled ship could do to other ships or towns so they hired Privateers to do just that to England an its shipping.

Really the only real new thing that has changed the average persons ability to kill another is powered flight.
Oh yea those nasty hand crankers, that had to be a tough job to turn that puppy and hope you dont get shot because you can't duck. But then again the riles of engagement were awkward back then. Yeah march inline while the other guys shoot. Thank goodness they took tips from the natives on fighting and got smart!
Next thing you know it will be illegal to carry slingshot ammo. More commonly known as rocks like the ones in these politicians heads.
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