SURPRISE! Three chicks!

yo momma DUCK

Mar 12, 2020
South Florida (West Palm Beach area)
So family friend decided that my family needed chickens. Just started with poultry in March and now I’ve got four ducks and three chicks. Here’s my dilemma...I also have four kids that are getting awfully attached to the chicks. Said chicks were picked out of the straight run bin and I have a very strong feeling that I have three roo’s but I haven’t the slightest clue and what I’m seeing online is a bit confusing. If they are Roo’s, I’d like to rehome and just keep one before I have to break any little hearts.

Any help on gender and breed would be appreciated. They were bought from TSC.

Chick # 1 - Dominique? Barred Rock?


Chick # 2 - I haven’t the slightest clue on breed. It has feathered feet.





Chick # 3 - Salmon Favorelle? Five toes.



I was actually leaning towards the first one being a pullet. I might be wrong. I am not very good at sexing chicks so this article and this article will hopefully help. Chances are you will end up with one rooster. If you do have to give one away there is a forum specifically for rehoming. I would put an advertisement out as soon as you can. You can always hire someone to slaughter your rooster if it comes to that.
I was actually leaning towards the first one being a pullet. I might be wrong. I am not very good at sexing chicks so this article and this article will hopefully help. Chances are you will end up with one rooster. If you do have to give one away there is a forum specifically for rehoming. I would put an advertisement out as soon as you can. You can always hire someone to slaughter your rooster if it comes to that.
Dominique chicks alike barred rocks are sex links. Males have a larger dot on their head compared to the females, that is how I knew it was a male, as well as it having a very large red comb for its age.
I had an inkling because of its markings on its wings also. Any guesses on the other two? If I was going to keep one roo, chick #1 would be it.
Lucky you since it’s a roo! Not complete sure on the breeds of the other two, but I’m leaning towards your pick on chick 3, I also thinking it is a roo due to its thick legs but hens can also have that so you’ll just have to wait and see?

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