Surviving Minnesota!

ILoveLayers I would keep the old hens till the new ones start laying so u dont have to buy store eggs
!!! That and the young will learn from the old.

Agreed. I've been watching my little ones with the hens and they're teaching them how to be....well....a chicken.

When I order chicks I'm looking for a colorful egg basket.
So far this is what I'm thinking of getting
WHITE: Leghorn
LIGHT BROWN: Wyandotte
BROWN: Australorps
DARK BROWN: Cuckoo Maran
BLUE/GREEN: Easter Egger
I would get 9 hens and 1 rooster for each breed.
I am also hopefully ordering some Polish!!

I have a Golden Cuckoo Marans but she lays a light brown egg. I'm guessing she has to be mixed with a flair of something else, but my eye can't see what. I love Marans though. You'll definitely have a colorful basket!

This hen has 1 copy dominant white . So yes hybrids could make a difference if they have 1 copy dominant white . If they have specs of color then 1 copy .

Very, very, very handsome rooster you have there.....

WARNING...BIG RANT UP AHEAD.........................

Being a retired police officer and an wildlife advocate for well over 20 years, and having worked with the DNR in one way or another over my entire career, I do not hold them in very high regard. Not because the actual wardens are good or bad because there are both in the profession, but because no matter what , they all have to follow the same rules regardless of how they feel, or they lose their job. Most do what their told - not what is ethically right. Look what they did to the Bison calf in Yellowstone....mistake one was of course the visitors picking the calf up and bringing it to the DNR - ( they should have left nature to itself as everyone here is saying). The DNR could have taken it to a zoo, brought it to a wildlife rehab or even given it to a Bison Farm....but no, they fined the visitors and euthanized the calf because those are the rules. In my educated opinion, they will take the eggs, fine the person who took them and then destroy the eggs whether or not it is illegal, immoral or just plain unethical to do so.....those are the rules of the big wide world of the DNR. ....END of RANT.

Good morning's a beautiful day here up on the North shore

I was just reading about that bison calf yesterday. So unfortunate....

My babies are getting big!! I tried getting pictures of both Legbars but the one is a little goofy. LOL they are beautiful birds!!

ETA: These pics are nearly a week old so they have grown alot! And Luckys head is ALL Golden/Copper colored!

What a handsome little dude!
Well Ralph I used your chick culling method. After I put the Starter fluid on some cloth in the container the chick just fell asleep. It hatched with its yolk sac hanging out and it must have gotten caught on something cuz it popped and the chick was dying. So I put it down.... Never want to do that again.

Never want to cull or use the starter fluid?

If you need to do it, for me it is the best way.
Never want to cull or use the starter fluid?

If you need to do it, for me it is the best way.

I never want to cull again! I love the starter fluid way. Its quick and peaceful. I kbow I will use it again but hate to have to cull beautiful little chicks. Thanks for sharing your way of doing it! It saved alot of heartache!
I never want to cull again! I love the starter fluid way. Its quick and peaceful. I kbow I will use it again but hate to have to cull beautiful little chicks. Thanks for sharing your way of doing it! It saved alot of heartache!
I agree....Thank you Ralphie for sharing this tip. If my husband is not around to do the culling I will be using this method.
Sometimes I wish I were a bird :th  but not a luck I would wind up a broiler !!!  no...more like an eagle or something wickedly cool like that LOL! (not that chickens aren't cool...cuz they are)

If I could be any animal I would be a bird, probably a falcon or something. If I was a chicken hawk I would probably eat chickens so I don't want to be that. :)
So my husband and son were putting trim boards around the pop door and building another ramp toy for the chicks to "play" with. They are using the cordless impact and cordless sawzall inside the coop. Some chicks are watching them, some are outside in the run. The minute I walk in the coop everyone makes a made dash for me through the popdoor....all the chicks are begging for treats the boys are screaming you made them screw up our project.....Ummm you are trimming chicken coop. I guess they know who the treat lady is. (And on a side note I should have thrown away all the kitchen remodel scraps......)
Looking for help identifying my speckled Sussex. They are exactly 6 weeks old today. Based on combs and thick legs I'm going with all cockerereal. I don't deal well with surprises can someone help? Ps I will be enrolling my daughter in holms photography 101 this summer.
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