Surviving Minnesota!

I got Grand Champion Breeding Poultry and Grand Champion Senior Showmanship with my LF Blue Cochin Pullet!!
My red sex link pullet trio took 1st for their category.
My bantam black frizzle cochin cock took 1st for his category.

My eggs all got blues other then the one red. Angered me because the person who got grand and reserve did not have good eggs, they were not the same color of brown, or the same shape. Where mine were all uniform...

Also they have a premium sale, you don't actually sell your animal, but local businesses bid on them.
My JH volleyball coach was there for CHS nutrition, where she works, and she bid my chicken up to $425!!
I thanked her afterwards, I was so happy! Since some of the horses and sheep didn't even get that much!

If you guys were to be building a breeding coop for one breed would you rather have cages lines on the wall that could fit up to 3 birds.
A coop with larger separate pens that separate colors ot genders?
Pens....they sound more comfy :)

My little no-fluffed White sport died this morning. I am not sure why, but a non-fluffed bird does not seem to make it no matter how warm I try to keep them. I am now down to 9 White Sports.
I'm sorry to hear about your little chick

Hellooo! I'm new to the site, but I live in central mn and want to know more about raising chickens at home, so here I am! Raising backyard chickens just recently became legal in my city, so I'm super excited to possibly get into it. Do any of you know of a good place to purchase chickens in mn? I can only have up to 4 hens legally, and all of the popular companies that ship chicks have minimum orders of around 25, which wouldn't work.

Happy 4th all...

I do not have 5 years to breed them back to non-sports. A fact of life that hits you around 65. I am not sure if I will even have birds in 5 years.

I am stuck trying to bring the ones I find with the recessive gene back into the sports. I will breed my pullets to a white sport rooster, if they have the recessive gene I should get 50% whites. I will test breed the pullets in December. Marking each one, a pain in the rear, but I will be bringing in cousins instead of brother sister. Not great but better.

I would like to trade with someone but beings the CLBs all started at GFF there is not a lot of diversity. I guess that is the way all new breeds are though. I have not seen any problems with the CLB's beyond the young ones that fail to thrive or have wry legs. They end up in the chamber, sad but true.

I am starting to pick my SS for next year. I am a little worried I do not have a lot of hens. I have one I think is a girl, (watch it grow today to celebrate the 4th) She is a beauty, good conformation. I hope I can find a rooster and another hen that look like she does.

Lydiaholmes if you want a good hen for in town, I would take a SS hen. They are so naturally friendly and curious. The only complaint I would have is they follow me everywhere. I have to tell them or run them off when I go into the chick brooder shed. They would follow me in there if I allowed it.

Judy and I are going to be putting next springs breeding pens up today. I think Coffee is coming by to get her Keets today. Hopefully, that will give us a break to sit on the deck and have a Mikes.

I need 13 more Keets to make an even 100 Guineas. I am pretty sure I have them, but I will not open or look in the hatcher until Judy gets up and wants to get them. It is kind of a thing we do together, she really likes the babies. The keets are so active it takes two of us to corral them. I have two hatching trays full of eggs, I have blocking on the ends but as soon as I start to pull it out they start jumping out.
You know, I picture you living on this 400 acre farm with expansive views of the countryside.....

Happy Independence Day my fellow American chickeneers!

All is going well in my chicken world. Dixie is really free ranging the Littles with the bigger hens lately. The big hens seem to accept the little girls too.
I am glad to hear Dixie has recovered!!
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I got Grand Champion Breeding Poultry and Grand Champion Senior Showmanship with my LF Blue Cochin Pullet!!
My red sex link pullet trio took 1st for their category.
My bantam black frizzle cochin cock took 1st for his category.

Congrats! That's very exciting!

I have been neglectful in keeping their Brazilian waxes up. I think that is my fault, the few chicks I did get were right after I gave them their trims. The pen they are in is a little difficult to get to them in. I am moving them soon to a pen I can walk into, which will make giving them the wax job a lot easier.

Ed (the rooster) is kind of stoic, he does not like champagne or candle light, he considers it a waste of money and energy. He prefers a loud crow to soft music. Also he is such a gentleman he does not act like a normal rooster and take a hen whenever he wants. He waits for them to make the first move.

I don't even know what to say. Lol

Haha, that is life. Well I live in Coon Rapids, slightly north of the twin cities. I'm really not looking to get chicks this instant, because in order to keep them legally you must submit an application and everything, then have people come and inspect your land and give you the ok to build the coop, and only then you can get the chicks.

I've done some research about what breeds I would want, and found that Easter edgers/Ameracanas would be a good fit. Every source I've looked at says they're friendly and comfortable in cold climates. They also lay beautiful eggs, which is a bonus.

I think Fufus would be great, too, but it's definitely ok if I can't get them. Also, I don't mind if they're all the same breed or not, as long as they're friendly and do well in minnesota's crazy weather!

Do you live in a suburban type setting or on a bit of land in CR? I'm not too far from you and we're suppose to do all that stuff as well. I think the maximum amount of hens I can have is 15. The same for waterfowl. They want you to submit coop plans for a temporary permit and they can come out, dig around, tell you how to build, destroy birds, do whatever whenever they want. Needless to say, I didn't go for that. I'm a rebel. However, we also have the leniency of having a bit of property. Our birds are also spoiled and well kept. Our closest neighbors once told us that the people who owned the house before us let their chickens run all over the neighborhood and they had issues with their roosters. A little boy down the road was attacked by one. We let ours out to free range, but they stay close. I have always found happy chickens stay close.....Well, for the most part. We have a hen we dubbed the Lone Ranger....I have no idea where she goes all day, but she's always on the roosts at night.

Another source for birds is Anoka/Ramsey Farm and Garden. I would call first though and make sure they have what you want.

I was there the other day and they said they'll only be getting good layer birds (RIR, Buff Orps, Black Sex Links, etc) unless someone wants something specific. I was hoping they'd have some Wellies. @lydiaholmes , they might be willing to do a partial order of something. They had various pullets when I was there as well.
@Siggie , it could have been me that mentioned the sick hen. She couldn't keep her eyes open and was falling asleep while standing around. She pretty much looked sad and hung her head down. Your girl sounds a bit more severe. I separated mine and pumped her full of water with electrolytes and Vitamins. I also used VetRx because, well, why not I guess. I gave her some eggs mixed with other goodies like dried oatmeal, sunflower seeds, mealworms, etc. She perked up after a day or two and got her color back. I figure she was dehydrated.

I hope everything works out and it's just a fluke. It's hard watching them get sick or losing a bird no matter the reason why. I always try to remember I don't need sick birds running around - they'll be the first to come down with something and spread it around. Still sucks though and I still struggle with making a choice.
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BC, If I failed to mention it, I am glad to see Dixie getting better too..

I find it amazing how many of us know each others chickens from here better than we know our families. I had to laugh (to myself) When Dandelioness was here, (BTW we had a great Mike's afternoon, limited Mike's but long on chat)....

I was showing her around and I introduced Bert. I Said " and this is Bert,".... and she corrected me by "adding Bert Jr you mean..."

As far as dream birds I have tons but one of my first dream birds I have now. I cannot wait until next year and I can start selling them... The Dominiques I got from Urich's! They are everything I thought they should be and more. The only thing I have noticed and did not expect is their growth rate. They are slower growing than most my birds. However, when I think about it, that makes sense, they are an old, old, old, breed and I doubt the rate of growth was important back in the 1700's. I am being very careful with these, I doubt I will free range them this year, until I have more. I have 7 hens and 4 roosters is all.

I have to say I am extremely happy with my Speckled Sussex, a breed I did not intend to get but ended up with in a trade for a CLB rooster to Aussiegal. I have some great young ones coming up, I may ever try to show a couple they are looking so good.

Others on my list are Buckeyes, I tried them from Urich's but they did not pan out so well.

I am so happy with the partridge chanticleer I may try some whites.

I need about another 200 years to try out all the birds I want to try.
@Siggie , it could have been me that mentioned the sick hen. She couldn't keep her eyes open and was falling asleep while standing around. She pretty much looked sad and hung her head down. Your girl sounds a bit more severe. I separated mine and pumped her full of water with electrolytes and Vitamins. I also used VetRx because, well, why not I guess. I gave her some eggs mixed with other goodies like dried oatmeal, sunflower seeds, mealworms, etc. She perked up after a day or two and got her color back. I figure she was dehydrated.

I hope everything works out and it's just a fluke. It's hard watching them get sick or losing a bird no matter the reason why. I always try to remember I don't need sick birds running around - they'll be the first to come down with something and spread it around. Still sucks though and I still struggle with making a choice.

It could have been you, was your girl unable to walk? That's what I think I remember and who ever it was, I think they culled the then maybe it wasn't you? hmmmm.... I believe they thought she had two broken legs and that's what my girl looked like at first, like she had broken legs and couldn't walk on them???? Very perplexing and yes, troubling to have to make the decision to cull or not to cull. I'm glad I gave her the weekend. Hopefully she continues to recover
BC, If I failed to mention it, I am glad to see Dixie getting better too..

I find it amazing how many of us know each others chickens from here better than we know our families. I had to laugh (to myself) When Dandelioness was here, (BTW we had a great Mike's afternoon, limited Mike's but long on chat)....

I was showing her around and I introduced Bert. I Said " and this is Bert,".... and she corrected me by "adding Bert Jr you mean..."

As far as dream birds I have tons but one of my first dream birds I have now. I cannot wait until next year and I can start selling them... The Dominiques I got from Urich's! They are everything I thought they should be and more. The only thing I have noticed and did not expect is their growth rate. They are slower growing than most my birds. However, when I think about it, that makes sense, they are an old, old, old, breed and I doubt the rate of growth was important back in the 1700's. I am being very careful with these, I doubt I will free range them this year, until I have more. I have 7 hens and 4 roosters is all.

I have to say I am extremely happy with my Speckled Sussex, a breed I did not intend to get but ended up with in a trade for a CLB rooster to Aussiegal. I have some great young ones coming up, I may ever try to show a couple they are looking so good.

Others on my list are Buckeyes, I tried them from Urich's but they did not pan out so well.

I am so happy with the partridge chanticleer I may try some whites.

I need about another 200 years to try out all the birds I want to try.

I need some years to try some more breeds also Ralphie. Hi Everyone. Lydia, may I suggest that you PM Ralphie and find out IF he would welcome you to come see his birds which would give you an idea of what some look like in real time. He isn't far from CR and it would give you a chance to see different colored eggs and runs and coops and the possibilities. Four to six birds is peeerrrrfect for a few eggs and roosters are a hoot but not all they are made out to be. A person can put fertilized eggs under a broody to hatch but then you do not know the sex til they are a few weeks older - usually.

first setting on tooth is done. At least it was not a root canal! I have had a couple of those and don't like them. Gotta go get some house
work done.
@Siggie , it could have been me that mentioned the sick hen. She couldn't keep her eyes open and was falling asleep while standing around. She pretty much looked sad and hung her head down. Your girl sounds a bit more severe. I separated mine and pumped her full of water with electrolytes and Vitamins. I also used VetRx because, well, why not I guess. I gave her some eggs mixed with other goodies like dried oatmeal, sunflower seeds, mealworms, etc. She perked up after a day or two and got her color back. I figure she was dehydrated.

I hope everything works out and it's just a fluke. It's hard watching them get sick or losing a bird no matter the reason why. I always try to remember I don't need sick birds running around - they'll be the first to come down with something and spread it around. Still sucks though and I still struggle with making a choice.

Both of your encounters sound more like toxins being the problem. I have had botulism in birds and the cure is to give them an epsom salts flush, taken off feed for 24-hours and only given water with ACV, then start back with probiotics (yogurt works), and slowly get them back on feed. There are other toxin flushes you can use too. You can search toxin flush for poultry and find some university sites with info.

I should mention, that sometimes toxicity in birds can have the same symptoms as Mareks. I wouldn't assume Mareks right away if it is just one bird. Still isolate it. If it is Mareks, normally, the first thing is just that they are wobbly on their legs but they are still fairly alert otherwise, just sitting most of the time, then unable to coordinate one or both legs to walk.
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