Surviving Minnesota!

Both of your encounters sound more like toxins being the problem. I have had botulism in birds and the cure is to give them an epsom salts flush, taken off feed for 24-hours and only given water with ACV, then start back with probiotics (yogurt works), and slowly get them back on feed. There are other toxin flushes you can use too. You can search toxin flush for poultry and find some university sites with info.

I should mention, that sometimes toxicity in birds can have the same symptoms as Mareks. I wouldn't assume Mareks right away if it is just one bird. Still isolate it. If it is Mareks, normally, the first thing is just that they are wobbly on their legs but they are still fairly alert otherwise, just sitting most of the time, then unable to coordinate one or both legs to walk.

I had that cross my mind as well???? But wasn't sure what kind of toxin she could have gotten in to? They did eat a bunch of mushrooms growing out of the horse manure but most of them ate them and nobody else came down with symptoms...I am feeding fermented food....any chance it could go bad? Everything I have read says fermented seed is safe and will not allow any bad bacteria to grow due to the fermentation? But what if I haven't been leaving it to ferment long enough, could the seed be "in between" fermentation and have aflotoxins?
Both of your encounters sound more like toxins being the problem. I have had botulism in birds and the cure is to give them an epsom salts flush, taken off feed for 24-hours and only given water with ACV, then start back with probiotics (yogurt works), and slowly get them back on feed. There are other toxin flushes you can use too. You can search toxin flush for poultry and find some university sites with info.

I should mention, that sometimes toxicity in birds can have the same symptoms as Mareks. I wouldn't assume Mareks right away if it is just one bird. Still isolate it. If it is Mareks, normally, the first thing is just that they are wobbly on their legs but they are still fairly alert otherwise, just sitting most of the time, then unable to coordinate one or both legs to walk.

I think, or IMHO, Mareks is blamed far more often than it really exists. You read of so many people claiming Marek's that only affects a few birds in a flock. I believe because Mareks can have so many symptoms and someone (including vets) will say, "you have Mareks" When it could be any number of things.

Birds of Prey are so tough you do not notice when then just have a little cold or fever, they hide the fact they are sick, until they are really sick and stumbling around or lying in a corner not moving.

And now to get a little disagreement....... They are like Men who will work their butts off and never complain about a cold or fever, compared to a woman who is always acting sickly and down and out........

BTW it is a proven Fact Men get sicker than women on the same bug...Judy does not agree with me on this, but I know I am correct....
BC, If I failed to mention it, I am glad to see Dixie getting better too..

I find it amazing how many of us know each others chickens from here better than we know our families. I had to laugh (to myself) When Dandelioness was here, (BTW we had a great Mike's afternoon, limited Mike's but long on chat)....

I was showing her around and I introduced Bert. I Said " and this is Bert,".... and she corrected me by "adding Bert Jr you mean..."

As far as dream birds I have tons but one of my first dream birds I have now. I cannot wait until next year and I can start selling them... The Dominiques I got from Urich's! They are everything I thought they should be and more. The only thing I have noticed and did not expect is their growth rate. They are slower growing than most my birds. However, when I think about it, that makes sense, they are an old, old, old, breed and I doubt the rate of growth was important back in the 1700's. I am being very careful with these, I doubt I will free range them this year, until I have more. I have 7 hens and 4 roosters is all.

I have to say I am extremely happy with my Speckled Sussex, a breed I did not intend to get but ended up with in a trade for a CLB rooster to Aussiegal. I have some great young ones coming up, I may ever try to show a couple they are looking so good.

Others on my list are Buckeyes, I tried them from Urich's but they did not pan out so well.

I am so happy with the partridge chanticleer I may try some whites.

I need about another 200 years to try out all the birds I want to try.

The Dominiques need to grow and feather slow so they have nice "crisp" barring. Well I guess growing slow doesn't help with barring right?
I think, or IMHO, Mareks is blamed far more often than it really exists. You read of so many people claiming Marek's that only affects a few birds in a flock. I believe because Mareks can have so many symptoms and someone (including vets) will say, "you have Mareks" When it could be any number of things.

Birds of Prey are so tough you do not notice when then just have a little cold or fever, they hide the fact they are sick, until they are really sick and stumbling around or lying in a corner not moving.

And now to get a little disagreement....... They are like Men who will work their butts off and never complain about a cold or fever, compared to a woman who is always acting sickly and down and out........

BTW it is a proven Fact Men get sicker than women on the same bug...Judy does not agree with me on this, but I know I am correct....
I have said it before and I will say it again ..... Ralphie you make me laugh!!! I am glad I am not your wife - because I would probably commit murder at some point (even though I know how to make it look like an accident
) but you make me laugh!!

Just a few pics.

Had a busy day. Put up a new fence and just have to put up a gate and get the fencer running again. I also have to get new roosts on the poop board. Its such a mess...

Oh... And its confession time... About a week and a half ago we went to the local feed store to get water cups for cages and might have accidently got a few white Guineas... And have 22 viable Guinea eggs under broodies... Plus a goose egg on lockdown under a duck... I might have been done hatching but the broodies weren't.
Well, we just got the mother of all storms. Three big trees are down, all the fruit trees we planted last year, one tree fell on the asparagus, our nice 10-year old Linden tree we loved is gone, the swing set garden... the swing set is blown down (must be the three hanging flower pots I put on it yesterday did it in
), branches everywhere, limbs everywhere, all my chicken and rabbit stuff is blown all over. What a mess. Oh well, I know what else I will be doing the rest of the week. It is a good thing I pulled up the garden this weekend, it would be covered by tree now anyway.

Looking on the bright side, the house is fine, even though it shook pretty hard for a while.
Minnie, you can't catch a break. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Storm clean up is devastating in and of itself, pack in a few sleepless nights and everything is so much worse.

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