Surviving Minnesota!

Morning . Had a downpour yesterday afternoon . Got woke up by thunder and lightning about 4 AM . Creeks running full . River is up over the islands . Reports of 1 3/4 inch at coffee . Tomatoes are cracking from so much rain .
Good morning everyone!
Heading to the dentist, possibly heading to the vet to talk to our relative also.
Last night someone came driving out, I heard them coming so I walked to the door of our house and was looking to see who it was. All of a sudden the porta potty pumper for the bridge construction came speeding past our house, driving at least 50 mph on a 35 road. Our dog who is an LGD usually stands by our approach and barks, well the guy was driving so fast when he come over the hill he didn't see and he ran over one of her paws. I called her back over to the house, her paw was bleeding and she was favoring it quite a bit. I then went down to go tell me dad, he was so angry!
He walked out in the middle of the road right as the guy was leaving, the guy tried to drive around then my dad yelled at him. There were some words said, my dad sure wasn't happy though.
She was limping pretty bad today, I took her paw up to look at it, and she whimpered when I tried to move her joint, we'll see how she's doing after school.
Good luck at the fair Minnie! I'm disheartened to hear the urch's aren't entering birds. I hope their health is well. They are an elderly couple right? I should really get down there and see their operation sometime.
OK couple of questions for my far north friends . Do tomatoes volunteer in your gardens ? Interested in knowing if seeds survive your winters . Second does anyone grow fall bearing raspberries . Interested to know if any ripen the fall crop .

News Feed

Frank R. Reese Jr.

22 hrs ·

Great breeder of Toulouse Geese 1972. Maxine McKeebe was the foundation of many of the good Toulouse we have today.

I saw this on Facebook .
OK couple of questions for my far north friends . Do tomatoes volunteer in your gardens ? Interested in knowing if seeds survive your winters . Second does anyone grow fall bearing raspberries . Interested to know if any ripen the fall crop .

Yes tomatoes volunteer here, I don't have raspberries except the annoying wild ones that try to grow into the yard.
Good Morning to all the happy Chickeners . . . . . I did not read alllll the 84 posts that I missed over the past several days so . . . . I do see that you won the auction I Love Layers - Congrats on that.

We were at the State Fair for the wonder Don Henely concert on Thursday evening. First stop was the Poultry Building. It was somewhere between 5:00 and 5:30 Holms. My DH and I greeted your handsome and beautiful blue-ribbon Buckeyes. Congrats on the blue. They are a great looking bird. Sorry we did not get to meet you. Of course we looked at all the birds and I thought those bantams were kind of cute, smaller versions of the big girls. I am very content with my mix of birds as long as they are laying. That is why I have them.

And we were still pretty excited as my DH 1st biological, our seventh, grandchild was born at 3:26p.m. that afternoon. His oldest son's first child. A boy. 11 Pounds 1 Ounce and after laboring since early Monday morning they finally cut the baby out. They call him Yogi. That was the 25th which is also my oldest grandson's birthday and he turned 16. So the DH is without his right-hand man while the daddy stays home with mama to help her recuperate a little bit. My DH is stressed and running ragged. I try to lighten the load but there isn't much I can do to help.

We had out-of-town guests Friday and Saturday. Then Sunday was the 16-year olds birthday party. And yesterday was grandma daycare. So here I am.

Two chickens are out and about. Evidently I did not lock their coop up tight - opps. But there was an egg in there early this a.m. so they were locked in then. They are enjoying their freedom and I am not chasing them to lock them back in. Too much work. One of them lays pretty consistently, the other, not so much.

And in the big coop, Regina is still not laying. There are 13 hens to lay in that coop. I get anywhere from seven to eleven on any given day. And for sure Regina is not one of them as she isn't interested in the nesting box and wanders in there only once-in-a-while.
Bogtown, I am happy to feed the birds during our winters but in summer they don't need it and I keep a birdbath for them year round. I also grow sunflowers that they peck from. If the bears go into my garden or destroy my apple trees I'll be really mad.1 So far they haven't noticed it. Maybe. A week or so ago a neighbor called to let us know an injured bear was around his house, limping badly. We didn't get a good look at this one last night to see if it was injured. 2 The barking scared it off. Our dog stays inside at night she isn't very big.
I am not allowed to make all the rules around our house, DH thinks he has rights.3

Good luck Minnie.

Wow, so much of this screams for my help!!

1. This line should read," If the bears go into my garden or destroy my apple tree they will be really dead."

2. This line should read, " We didn't get a good shot at it."

3. This line should read, " I know my Husband is the rule maker and it is my job to follow the rules to the T, I know he only does what is best for me. My job is to honor, obey and worship him."

There you go Erli, I helped you! You can thank me later....

PS There is no sense we share these with Judy........... She gets so emotional....
Wow, so much of this screams for my help!!

1. This line should read," If the bears go into my garden or destroy my apple tree they will be really dead."

2. This line should read, " We didn't get a good shot at it."

3. This line should read, " I know my Husband is the rule maker and it is my job to follow the rules to the T, I know he only does what is best for me. My job is to honor, obey and worship him."

There you go Erli, I helped you! You can thank me later....

PS There is no sense we share these with Judy........... She gets so emotional....

You crack me up sometimes.

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