Surviving Minnesota!

Okay - here is the run partially built last autumn. The run started out as that vaulted portion on the front with the coop behind it. You know the cute little kits you can buy. Then I added the front flat portion to the left of the original run. So that front area is now 4 x 5.
I was outside today building a new coop for Bert Jr and his gals.

I am making It 4x6 ft and 3 ft on one side and 4 on the other. I need to get them a low roost. They have not had one, but are getting pretty gross bellies because of no roost.

Of course, when I put in a low roost I lost Bert Sr. I wish I knew what to do.

I am putting 2 nest about a foot up for the girls, I thought I would make a foot high roost too. The nests will be the type that open from the outside. I know I have always said I would never have one and now I am building one.

Someday I am going to stumble upon the perfect breeding coop.

I need about 20 breeding coops and pens. I am thinking it is time to hold a seminar.

Okay - the first picture is a view from the back. The second is the right side and I give it so you notice the shed roof on the front. I figure that IF I remove that pitched roof (attached to the coop behind it in the run); insulate it, enclose it, I can build the coop up there which would be 5 feet wide by 3 1/2 feet deep and then approx three feet high. I could move the coop kit nesting box onto the side showing just above what is now the pitched roof.

Are you understanding what I am saying. My DH barely understands me. LOL. This is a shot inside the coop from the back looking toward that shed roof. You see the coop on the left. In front of it is the 4 x 5 area originally added last spring when I was ignorant. LOL. The area that I want to build out is out the front, above the pitched coop roof. I think it would be perfect as a coop area. Now tell me what YOU think - please.
This is is the roo they would be from. They would be three quarters BA and quarter Welsummer. Or I could getvu some half Cochin or have BA from my cochin Roo.

This is is the roo they would be from. They would be three quarters BA and quarter Welsummer. Or I could getvu some half Cochin or have BA from my cochin Roo.

They are beautiful! So what is it that I would need to do and need to know to get two hens? Do you want to e-mail me? But adding them at this time might make it a little crowded in the run and coop. I have a means to separate them. The roo is so handsome.
I will have pure ( hatchery stock though) BA's this spring. I have 1 Rooster and 3 hens, You can have eggs from them or chicks when I hatch them will be a few months though.

And I am not joining the foreign legend like Holm is!!!

That sounds good Ralphie. Sorry Holm - not trying to be fickle yet this time is not when they should be added to my flock because of the space that will expand this spring.

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