Surviving Minnesota!

53 degrees right now, Wonderful day.

Also I have to report to everyone here, OJ has been successfully rehabilitated. Maybe even a little too much. He is now a loner, he sleeps under a pickup topper and does not go into the coop. I forced him into the coop last night just to have another Toad rooster run his butt out of the coop.

I may have to pull the rooster out that ran his butt out and rehabilitate him. I really want OJ to become a Bert again. I want his genes in the babies. He is huge and the coloring is just what the future proposed Toad SOP requires.

I wonder if I can show OJ at Hutch. He is so impressive he would woo the crowd.
Glad to be here, Jerry. You do not know how great it is to feel "normal" again. Now if the Cardiologist will just concur I am normal again.
Ralphie normal :lau :lau :lau Ralphie normal
Good morning peeples :)
Yes it's nice to see the ole guy on here.
I screwed up my first thing of the day. Burned the bacon.

Oh No!

You burnt the bacon!!

I am so sorry for you. Do you have any idea if you will be able to keep the chickens in your new place?

I assume your Hubby has no choice but to throw you out after burning the bacon. Some offenses just require a new wife for a guy...Bacon burning is one of them..

Oh No!

You burnt the bacon!!

I am so sorry for you. Do you have any idea if you will be able to keep the chickens in your new place?

I assume your Hubby has no choice but to throw you out after burning the bacon. Some offenses just require a new wife for a guy...Bacon burning is one of them..

The 'Job Switching' episode of I Love Lucy comes to mind....


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