Surviving Minnesota!

Oh No!

You burnt the bacon!!

I am so sorry for you. Do you have any idea if you will be able to keep the chickens in your new place?

I assume your Hubby has no choice but to throw you out after burning the bacon. Some offenses just require a new wife for a guy...Bacon burning is one of them..


If I was him I'd just leave and never come back :th
Actually I made bacon to try and mess with DH because he wanted pea soup for supper last night and I made it even tho I didn't feel like it- because I canned apple sauce I made that I picked from my own trees that I planted by myself .... but he stayed out late and didn't eat the pea soup! he is still sleeping and probably has a headache and probably didn't smell the bacon anyway. He never wants to eat for at least an hour after waking up so making bacon while he's sleeping.. I'm not mad that he stayed out late.
Hey Ralphie I want to get back to normal myself . Still limping but much better than I was . Since you are better you need to come up so we can visit . Will be up next week for 2-3 weeks . Depends on how much I get done and how well my body holds up .
Ralphie my little sister (the one who wanted to take on of your White Legbars) and her friend were square dancing with some older ladies in goofy dresses last night. She even got her own goofy dress
Holm have fum at Rolag! We were there maybe 5 years ago it was so much fun!

Layers, has there been more than normal snake siting's this summer ? In my experience that is something which frequently happens during periods of draught.
Not that I know of. Although when raking hay in mid July I did find a 6+ foot long shed
Hi peeps! I'm Alive! Haven't been around for awhile, hope everyones summer is going good! Busy as heck like me i'll bet. I don't have time to go back and read the whole last month, so if Lvie has time for a summary, i'm all eyes.
My sister is home from the hospital, she was air lifted to the U, childrens. she ended up having a emergency C-section on July 28th due to her high blood pressure, pre-clampsia. (sp) the baby Hattie Lou, was finally released from the hospital Friday as she can now eat on her own. Yey! :wee I've been busy in the coop and garden and working overtime at work and running to childrens. Hopefully things start to calm down a little. Hope everyone is doing well! Oh yeah, Cluck-cluck started laying again finally after her bought with the oviduct track infection, so hopefully she is in the clear. :wee

Anyone get to the state fair? I had to skip it this year, too much going on... Hope anyone who had entries did well!

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