Surviving Minnesota!

Good to see those chicks are still hatching, hoping lots more do. Judy is right I see how the little pecks got the chick moving out of it's shell quicker!

The above highlighted words, are some I never like to see or hear. I try to never say them! I hope you can understand why. She is not good with "I told you so".

She could take lessons from me on that..

Kloppers look what I found you for your collection..

This one might even work for what you want as long as you are not in a huge hurry,,
Judy is right
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The above highlighted words, are some I never like to see or hear.  I try to never say them!   I hope you can understand why. She is not good with "I told you so".

She could take lessons from me on that..

Kloppers look what I found you for your collection..

This one might even work for what you want as long as you are not in a huge hurry,,

It looks like an auger. The part you dimp grain in and then it goes up the tube with a spinning thing. I could be wrong though.
It looks like an auger. The part you dimp grain in and then it goes up the tube with a spinning thing. I could be wrong though.

I am thinking the augur is the part that does the grinding by ever increasing diameter as the grain progresses up the augur.

It would require some tight tolerance for it to turn in and actually grind. Which would make me wonder how worn the tolerances are.

What a day, I was just outside, it is warm, and feels good. light snow, (which is on edge of rain). I just started the smoker and have two chickens ready to go into in in about 10 minutes... and babies inside, could not get better in January!

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