Surviving Minnesota!

I don't think a broiler raiser is going to get rich on a $1.15 a bird payment for flock destruction when you consider the cost of the chick and expenses to feed and heat the shed etc plus the fact that the shed will remain inoperable for so many weeks while the virus is killed.

That said, that is a payment from the government and may or may not mean they get an insurance payment on top of that

But they get more from crop insurance right? Or is that crop insurance?
I don't think a broiler raiser is going to get rich on a $1.15 a bird payment for flock destruction when you consider the cost of the chick and expenses to feed and heat the shed etc plus the fact that the shed will remain inoperable for so many weeks while the virus is killed.

That said, that is a payment from the government and may or may not mean they get an insurance payment on top of that
If I read that correctly:

if you have a coop with 10,000 turkeys, you will get $35,000 from my tax dollars to fight AI.  So when your coop is empty, you clean and disinfect and get $35K!!!  Don't they clean and disinfect between each class?    So we are paying them to do something they always do!

Worse yet the layers one  $64,500 to clean a coop. If you are cage free, it is just a big warehouse,  If  I was an egg producer I would kill my birds for that, selling them to a meat processor. Buying them back at around 75 cents each.  ( quantity discount could be even less)

Or  broilers (cx) production, between classes you disinfect and get paid  $11,500 to do what you always do.  6 weeks later you do it again and your birds are less than free!

What a scam..

I hope this does not seem to political, but this ticks me off!     But I want my $3,225  for disinfecting my layer operation!

I guess when you put the numbers like that it seems to add up different than I thought.

Sometimes I forget about economy of scale. 10 cents on one bird is nothing but multiply that by 10000 birds....
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I don't think a broiler raiser is going to get rich on a $1.15 a bird payment for flock destruction when you consider the cost of the chick and expenses to feed and heat the shed etc plus the fact that the shed will remain inoperable for so many weeks while the virus is killed.

That said, that is a payment from the government and may or may not mean they get an insurance payment on top of that

If you read the bulletin you will see NO BROILERs have been infected. They are basically getting their next crop of broilers for less than free, I am betting they pay around that 50-75 cents a bird. I am not implying they are getting rich, I am saying good practices mean they disinfect between classes. In a broiler operation I doubt they pay their employees 200 bucks a day. And I doubt they have 5 employees cleaning and disinfecting one coop. But if they did those 5 guys costs $1,000.

The operation gets $11,500 for cleaning and disinfecting, leaving $10,500 for raising the birds and replacements.

I paid $1.15 for my birds last year. That is another $1,150 leaving $9,000 for raising them. I raised and sold mine at $7.50 a bird to those that came to freezer camp day. I broke even at that including cost of buying the birds.

I am sure a large producer spends less per bird than I did, I kept mine 13 weeks they keep theirs 6-7 weeks. I raised mine to 11-13 pounds they go 5-6.

If they sold theirs for 5, bucks a bird based on my costs they would have about $4.75 a bird in costs leaving them a profit of a quarter a bird. ( am fairly sure they do better than that)..

So out of the $10,500 bucks they have left for bird raising and replacements they have roughly $4,750 in expenses. Meaning they got an extra 5 grand for nothing from the taxpayers.

I know these are rough estimates, very rough, and this is no more than an educated guess. BUT it still ticks me off to see them getting paid to do what we all do for our birds for free.

The worse thing is it removes the incentive for them to cure the problem. Worse than that it could cause them to claim it is worse than it is and make money on it, while we and our birds suffer..

I say this not in an attempt to argue but to show where my point of view comes from. I welcome yours.
Oh Coffee. You do love your birdies. LOL.

Can't blame you.

What a whole twisted way to earn your money. I think it's atrocious and what's scary is that the insurance companies will let them them do it while they turn around and jack up their costs onto us.

It's a vicious circle out there and I don't quite know how a person should stop it.

A dear friend of mine took her son in for some x rays to the clinic last spring and was charged a $50 co pay to deal with the cost of the xrays per her insurance contract with clinics. Later this past fall her daughter had some ankle issues during dance and she brought her in for xrays same clinic. She had same insurance contract--$200. Billed to her via the affiliated hospital . Insurance company said it was coded as xrays from a hospital setting and therefore her copay was higher. She called the clinic and said: "you're not a hospital you're a clinic...what's up with the higher bill?" Well they had some conversion of sorts with their business departments and just lumped everything together...their clinics as part of their hospital system or some ...B.S. and now in the name of their own business practices have started to jack people & their insurance with a higher fee for a clinic service. I told her that it will totally affect her insurance down the road and although it's not a big deal now....they are essentially defrauding her insurance company, from my view point and her... and I think it should be reported to the Department of Commerce....or some such Department that deals with issues like this.

It just seemed very shaky and suspicious to me as an effort for this hospital system to make more money on a lesser service with their own spin on how to bill.

What's scary is where will it end with insurance and them raising their premiums to us. Evenutually there will be no money to source and then what will they do when they've drained us dry.

ugh....It makes me scared how blatantly we are being taking to the cleaners and nobody really seems to take a stand.
I guess when you put the numbers like that it seems to add up different than I thought.

Sometimes I forget about economy of scale. 10 cents on one bird is nothing but multiply that by 10000 birds....

yeppers like the hatcheries,, They make little per bird but on the scale they produce..Wowser !! You and I and our wives could take a world tour together!
Oh Coffee. You do love your birdies. LOL.

Can't blame you.

What a whole twisted way to earn your money. I think it's atrocious and what's scary is that the insurance companies will let them them do it while they turn around and jack up their costs onto us.

It's a vicious circle out there and I don't quite know how a person should stop it.

A dear friend of mine took her son in for some x rays to the clinic last spring and was charged a $50 co pay to deal with the cost of the xrays per her insurance contract with clinics. Later this past fall her daughter had some ankle issues during dance and she brought her in for xrays same clinic. She had same insurance contract--$200. Billed to her via the affiliated hospital . Insurance company said it was coded as xrays from a hospital setting and therefore her copay was higher. She called the clinic and said: "you're not a hospital you're a clinic...what's up with the higher bill?" Well they had some conversion of sorts with their business departments and just lumped everything together...their clinics as part of their hospital system or some ...B.S. and now in the name of their own business practices have started to jack people & their insurance with a higher fee for a clinic service. I told her that it will totally affect her insurance down the road and although it's not a big deal now....they are essentially defrauding her insurance company, from my view point and her... and I think it should be reported to the Department of Commerce....or some such Department that deals with issues like this.

It just seemed very shaky and suspicious to me as an effort for this hospital system to make more money on a lesser service with their own spin on how to bill.

What's scary is where will it end with insurance and them raising their premiums to us. Evenutually there will be no money to source and then what will they do when they've drained us dry.

ugh....It makes me scared how blatantly we are being taking to the cleaners and nobody really seems to take a stand.

Oh wow!!

I know how that goes. It is terrible.

Medicare just made some changes in hospice care. In the last 7 days of live a RN can visit everyday. Never mind no one knows for sure when that last 7 days is...

BUT if they declare a patient is near the end, insurance which pays according to medicare reimbursement, ( and Kloppers may know more on this than me and I bow to his knowledge).

Most hospices use to send out LPN's which were reimbursed at $135 a visit. Now they send out RN's which are $ 175 per visit. The care is the same, comfort measures are taken. Nothing is being done other to assure comfort in last days. The hospice companies make more profit per visit is all. we the tax payers pay more.

Kind of the same thing BC mentioned.

When I had my root canal fixed last week, I went to the dentist, they took x rays and charged my insurance. The dentist sent me to the "specialist" to redo my root canal. It appears when they first did it 35 years ago they did not take out the bottom of the nerve. The dentist told me that, thus the specialist

The dentist sent my xrays with me. When I got to the specialist, they took new xrays. Said they needed a special view. I am not a dr or dentist but the view of the new ones looked the same as the ones from the first dentist to me. Only difference was specialist got 160 buck for retaking them!

In regards to the health care/insurance debate...

Ultimately it comes down to every party keeping their own best interests and believe it or not insurance companies (at least good ones) are on the side of the consumer.

Basically what it comes down to is that the hospitals want to get as much money as they can for any procedure. The more they can bill the more they bring in, the more people they can hire, more beds they can provide, the more someone can line their pockets with.. Whatever way you want to look at it. So what ends up happening is when an insurance company/ppo sets a rate of what they will pay for services the hospital will bill exactly that, and usually more just to see if it will work (the process or usually denies the overages). Then they also know that if they do certain things (i.e. Send an RN instead of a CNA) they can get just a little bit more so they do. This method isn't unique, auto garages who do warranty work on cars do the same thing.

Coming back around, insurance companies don't want to pay anything more than they have to any more than the consumer would. Insurance companies need to stay in the black just like any company. If cost get to high either insurers raise rates or go out of business. And trust me, insurance companies don't like raising rates. It requires lots of government regulatory stuff plus hurts sales. Thus it is on the best interest of both consumers and insurance companies that the bloating of healthcare costs are addressed and quickly.
The insurance company I work for seriously considered not writing health insurance recently due to this. We stayed in the market because we feel it helps us sell 'full package value' to our customers.

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