Surviving Minnesota!

feel better get well GIF

It’s an amazing year!

Twice within one week, I won a local raffle.

I just set it up and took it down in the driveway. But alas I forgot to take pictures.

So I will post this video it is the same house I won! The little woman was pleased as punch to see me win again.

This one I will be keeping, it’s the same as my old one just a little larger.
Jerry that malady seems to be common in my family as both my Mother and one of my sisters were troubled with it. I have not had the problem thus far and am close to the end of the line so likely will not.
Ralphie it may be well that you won that raffle so close to Valentine's day, as the little woman would not get mad at you then.
It is currently +18 here and the warm up is forecast to continue. I believe my flock will be allowed to free range stating tomorrow ?
Now you are all set for some serious fishing Ralphie, and we will be waiting for a report. Perhaps you can catch a couple Perch for your cats ?

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