Surviving Minnesota!

Hes pretty! What breed is the Mille Fleur chicken? A D'uccle?

Yes, his dad was a buff brahma bantam (pumpkin)

(This is pumpkin with another hen, Peanut)

And his mom was a Mille Fluer D' Uccle

We aren't sure which one is his mom. (Peanut in the background)
So Prince was found dead today in his Minneapolis suburban house. Wasn't it just this past week that they had to do an emergency landing somewhere because he had the flu and they had to go to a hospital to check him out?
I read that. He was fighting the flu. Sort of scary that a flu bug can take a person that looked to be in relatively good shape. hard to say if he had any underlying health conditions though, I guess.

His music was from my era. I was a teen in the 80's. I can still remember my sister getting the Purple Rain soundtrack for Christmas and listening to that play and play.
Welcome East Bethel - I am a Benton County transplant.....transplanted by marriage from Stearns County to Benton.

Little Roo Barred Rock Rooster Update: The past 2 days he must have sat at the food trough day and night because he seems to have caught up to the other Rooster and Hens. I keep forgetting my phone to take pics when doing chores. Today's new chick toy.....Manna Chick Starter Treat Hanging thing. Tomorrow's entertainment a CD or mirror hanging from rafter for them to peck at. What other ideas do people have for 3 week old chicks? We have 62 chicks that I would like to entertain to prevent pecking but of course work and school kinda get in the way for 8 hours a day.

Good to hear about the little rooster! I wish those Manna hanging chicks treats weren't so expensive. I was going to try to make my own....then didn't.

My chicks are here!

Love it! It looks like they got the colors correct. Excellent.

Strawberry's egg today,, my poor girl wish there was something to do to help her lay smaller eggs. She lays everyday 1 day reg egg and next day double . I even got a triple yolk once,, I think this might be another triple... Is there something she is lacking in vitamins or something or is this just always going to be her normal???

Wow. That is all I have.

So Prince was found dead today in his Minneapolis suburban house. Wasn't it just this past week that they had to do an emergency landing somewhere because he had the flu and they had to go to a hospital to check him out?

We have a show at First Avenue tonight. I'm a little worried the Prince fans will stage a vigil out front since that was his home turf. I don't need Minneapolis to be any more busy tonight than it already is.
Well I'm new here and I don't see a recent post since 2014 so sheesh, hopefully I get a response! Anyway, I'm new to chicken keeping, have always hated chickens, until now. LOL. I never realized the variety of eggs and chickens! Minneapolis now allows city residents to own 6 hens per household, no roosters, so that sort of sparked my interest. But really the coops did. So I've moved to the country, suburban country at least and own only 1.5 measly acres. I have some easter eggers, speckleds, and red sex links. But, the sex links are 5weeks old, fully feathered and are adorable. They love me and come to me when they see me. The other girls just walk away, but the speckles do come over to say hi if they think I have food. BUT, my question is, my puppy! He's a border collie x australian sheperd. He's amazing. He herds, I want him to, because it is so much easier to get the hens into the coop, especially since we axed the rooster. The hens are so lost without him. So, I realize that this is his natural instinct to do so he just does it, no training. But, he constantly wants to chase the chicks and catch them. He will leave the big girls alone if they are free ranging until I get him to help herd them back when it's time to go to bed. So, how can I break him from chasing chicks? Right now, the chicks don't free range. I keep them in his puppy playpen until they can, but he still goes crazy over them while they are in there. So they are in the pen inside the chicken run. Boring life, but when they are older, I'd love for them to free range too. He is currently 12 weeks old. So I know I have to break him from this soon. How do I do this???

I have an Aussie, got her as a pup and kept her on a leash around the chickens the first several weeks. I'd walk her slowly and keep the leash short, make her sit when close to the hens keep calm don't yell and when she's nice calm and sitting pet her say good girl or boy if that's what you've got. I was concerned that she'd get one one day because that's what everyone told me would happen but she never did, likes to sniff the fluffy butts and eat poo though!
For her herding instinct she has a basketball she'll herd around the yard after I give it a kick. My dog is 2 1/2 yrs old now and I never worry about her around the chickies. And that is what they are to her because the word chicken can be food!
So Prince was found dead today in his Minneapolis suburban house.  Wasn't it just this past week that they had to do an emergency landing somewhere because he had the flu and they had to go to a hospital to check him out?

I was told they were thinking it was an overdose. Whether thats true or not I dont know.
Zeus update! He is doing great!! No scab and all his feathers are coming back in. He isnt ready to go back though. I brought him to the coop and Mr. T and Bubba starting beating him. I think he will stay out in the hay shed till the day he dies. He freeranges all day around the cows.


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