Surviving Minnesota!

@duluthralphie this is one of the chicks I purchased from you. It is growing faster than the rest....any chance it is a different breed? Hatch date was April 6 or7. I am not upset by any means I'm just intrigued by its color patterns and want to get more next year. As it (hopefully she) is very docile and friendly not flighty.

That is an Easter Egger!! How did I do that! I am guessing it is a PC EE cross. They can look like the SS's. If we can meet I will give you another SS of the same age or close. You can keep the EE. Also I can get you " Statement of Origin" forms on them. Did the chicks from the hatchery come with them or do they need testing?
Mobile site not working so well more pics.
Just got down from doing chores.
The farm that I got Dakota from was breeding there cows to a bulls that often had shorter legged calves.
This year they found a new semen and started breeding from a bull that throws calves with longer legs.
Dakota has short legs and her calf has long legs, so yesterday my dad milked her 3 times while I was at school, and we both milked her 2 times after school. Then fed it back to the calf through a bottle.
Today when we started milking the calf came over and tried to drink, so we had to help get the tit in its mouth since its so tall. But now, thankfully, it's drinking on its own!
And I will always appreciate powered milk after hearing my dad had to milk her 5 times yesterday
Okay thanks! The father is Mille Fleur, and the mother is Citron Spangled/Pencilled. So where does the silver come from? The picture shows the parents. The only differences in them now is that the rooster's comb is winter dubbed and his tail is molting white.
Missed the Citron part . So no silver . Throws the whole prediction off . So citron is due to the cream inhibitor of gold .

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