Surviving Minnesota!

Well you never know! my 3 main lines are German, Norwegian and Polish :) My Grt Grt grandfather (on my fathers side) was born in Breslau Germany which is now Wroclaw Poland!
Ahh so we have roots in the same area . I had a DNA sample done . It showed hits in Germany , Sweden , Denmark . Netherlands and a couple more . I told my wife young sailors in port . All German based languages so I guess they could sort of understand each other .

I listed my truck on craigslist....

In case your interested in it as a collectors item...

Ralphie, I think that seems like a reasonable deal. Especially when you're throwing in a dz eggs.

You can also drink colostrum but I wouldnt recommend it. It tastes fine but looks disgusting. Its a caramel color.

So are u planning on milking twice a day?

What I would do is milk the front quarter twice a day and let the calf nurse the back quarter. Since its a little lopsided it will be easier than milking them yourself! Our Jersey's bag is lopsided too and thats the easiest way to do it for us.

My dad and I were going to do that, or we both milk one side, he'd milk the harder side since he's been milking for a long time
happy day all! work is finally slowing down and I have a chance to breathe! I will be off work tomorrow and enjoying the nice weather with the flock

I have a contractor coming over to quote pouring a new cement slab for my new garage and also quote cementing the floor in the existing garage. very exciting.

Then in the afternoon I am off to the local elementary school to talk to the kids about chickens and help candle the eggs the set 2 week ago. I am very excited for that! I had the teachers ask the kids what they want to know so I can prepare for them. very neat!
We have shut off the heat for the last few days and the house has been in the low sixties every morning. Brrr... It was 35 last night or some crazy thing. So 82 will feel really warm. Not sure we are ready for that~! LOL.

Some sprinkles this morning and a big grey cloud bank to the north....but sprinkles is all we got. It's getting dry and dusty around here and I could really go for a nice little shower to knock down the catkin pollen. Catkins...are my spring nemesis. Alavert stock up coming up.

DH has weaned himself off pain pills. His brace felt loose yesterday. Swelling down, Pain down. He said his hands and feet would feel numb on the pain medication and his knee would still hurt.
Stupid stuff. How do people get addicted to that stuff anyways? there a time frame in which Craig's list allows ads to be on their site? might find a taker with the eggs as part of the bargain....just never know.
Did you see that the Dominique is the breed focus on the carousel this morning?! I should go sneak a peak at the article.

Kloppers exciting stuff going on at your house. A New garage is a cool thing to have!

A goose walked into a bar carrying a ton of dynamite and hand grenades He started throwing them and lighting the dynamite... Killing 403 people... At the goose's trial, Nathan was a character witness for the goose, Claimed it was not is fault the people simply failed to run fast enough.......
No, the goose shouldn't be held accountable because it was underage.

Missed the Citron part . So no silver . Throws the whole prediction off . So citron is due to the cream inhibitor of gold .
Oh okay, so they wouldn't be sex-linked?
WOW - My dreams do come true! These beauties are so docile....I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care if they ever laid an egg.

That is the way of the SS's! If I had to chose only one breed, they would be in the running. They are so sweet, mine are like pets, and I do not make my birds into pets at all (well JJ and Ethel are the exceptions).. They like to follow me, They want to be held. And they are great Eye Candy! Thye eggs are not big, but that makes no diff to me, and egg is an egg.

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