Surviving Minnesota!

Welcome back klopklop. The BYC app no longer works as this is a whole new BYC. We were down for about 10 days while they worked on it. Now you just have to type in BYC on your browser to get here.
Nice house!!!
Yeah I'm still figuring my way around. Took me longer than I care to admit to find my way back to this thread.

Here is a shot of the elevations:
We're thinking about going to the swap meet this morning. We love swap meets - you never know what you'll find, and sometimes there's great bargains! They also have lots of good produce from local farmers there. My birthday is in a few weeks, and hubs said if I find something I really like (not talking about produce!), maybe he'll buy it for me as one of my b-day presents. Don't have to twist my arm!
Oh gosh I hate to be a birthday party pooper...
but just beware at these swaps. Sometimes people do not bring their best chickens to the swaps. Look through feathers and at the vent for signs of Lice and mites... etc etc
Oh gosh I hate to be a birthday party pooper...
but just beware at these swaps. Sometimes people do not bring their best chickens to the swaps. Look through feathers and at the vent for signs of Lice and mites... etc etc
Thanks for the great warning. Personally, I will not buy chickens from anywhere but reputable hatcheries. After what happened a few years ago (widespread bird flu/huge chicken & turkey losses), I will not take a chance on buying from an unknown source. Ever. Would love to buy locally and save the high shipping costs that hatcheries charge, but I will not take the risk. Don't want to expose my beloved ladies (and gent) to sickness or parasites.
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BC that blue chick you liked is a cockerel . :barnie You interested in a couple of pullets from those chicks ? Starting to see more cockerels so can probably sex them .

Ok I need help posting a video of chicks on here . Anybody know how ? I thought I could put them in a album on Facebook then copy the ulr or whatever but I do not see that . :confused: BC needs a chick fix I think .
@jerryse how is your northern Minnesota retreat coming? Last I remember you were still assembling your new saw mill to cut lumber

@duluthralphie you will never guess what I have in my chicken shack right now... something i said i would never have... something with white, fluffy feather and afro...
A Silkie??

Well, at least your real chickens will appreciate you providing TP.
As relates to Avian Influenza. The geniuses who are responsible to identify the source and how it spread have come to no stated conclusions that I am aware of. What is known is that almost no small scale poultry flocks or wild birds died from it. The problem was nearly entirely within the large scale confinement poultry operations.
It did result in the shut down of poultry shows and pigeon shows and races in a large area of the U.S. Pigeons do not contract the disease and are not a vector of it.
It served as a demonstration of the ineffectiveness and inability of the entrusted parties and authorities to carry out their duties.
As you might conclude I am strongly opinionated related to this topic and many others I might ad.

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