Surviving Minnesota!

Mom had gotten in 2005, a fake wasp nest and hung it under the eaves. It worked... until the varmints tore it up. I couldn't figure out how a coon could get to it.... but years later there was a baldface hornet nest a woodpecker was raiding. It was torn up similar to the fake nest
Just a thought, isn’t the only place your brain is exposed to air, the back of your sinuses, through the ol’factory receptors??? Makes me wonder what that Covid test, is REALLY testing......... but that is a theory for another conspiracy, lol 🤪😝😂

So this morning I got up fairly early.
Out in the chokecherry tree we’re 3 robins having a hay day. I figured they were ready. Googled a recipe and made my first batch of chokecherry jelly. I didn’t have lemon juice. But I had limes. This might be what has made it special. Idk. But that final pectin sugar chokecherry lime dream syrup i put in those jars absolutely delicious. I saved a little bunch of cherries for my photos and Pearl got there faster than the robins. 😂
Just popping by to say hello!

We are still clucking along with buff orpington and buckeyes, both large fowl and bantams. We are getting a little tired of everything being cancelled due to COVID, but I'm sure that is the story of everyone's life. I have been working from home since March 1.

Last week we lost Rudy....Rudy was our original Rhode Island Red from Duane Urch, he was the calmest cock you will ever meet. He lived a great life with our layers and we put him to rest under a shade tree complete with a 4 foot grave marker. Now, we are incubating some of Rudy's off spring fingers crossed I have 24 eggs in the incubator and 15 under a broody buckeye hen. The 15 under the broody were a joke my son was playing on me.....we shall see who is the better incubator..... GQF or broody buckeye. (I have a feeling I will lose the bet with my GQF).

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