Survivor chicken gone broody ... no eggs though

I know! This is truly a super site full of super people! We've got a tub full of chicks, but I'm seriously thinking about taking DM up on her offer.
I'd LOVE to see her hatch out some chickies. Survivor hen is so devoted to her nest. She's been picked up off her "secret" nest so many times, yet she still stays there and doesn't try to move it.
Ok, advice taken.
I'll try see if I can break the broody now. I do feed her at her nest and I have a waterer set up for her nearby, so I think she's getting the bare essentials taken care of.

I'll take you up on your offer though.

I'd love for her to have a job.
Here is another thought... go to tractor supply or your local farm supply, most have chicks right now and buy a few.. wait until night time and take the eggs out and sneak the chicks under her. She should take them this way. Just make sure you do it at night.
If she was out, how would you know that she didn't get caught by a rough rooster? Some chickens know when eggs are/are not fertile

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