Hey there- sorry out of touch for so long!!
Just wanted to check in and see how "Cherry" has been doing...?! :fl 🙏 Always hate to bring it up if things didn't go well but want you to know I care!!

Well our update- The two "sick" ones are holding their own and seemed to be doing quite well most of the time I've not been on here.... really didn't expect her to bounce back like she did but the difference after each dose of that LA-200 antibiotic I used SQ was truly amazing in hindsight- unless it was somehow coincidence and I don't believe too much in that! 😂 (though I usually rule nothing out! ;-) )
Haven't given her anything other than starting a routine of mixing my "golden paste" mixture from reading up on giving Turmeric to animals- yeah the powder itself would be much easier to mix in less noticeably and will try it if things get worse while doing this still- but supposedly cooking the powder really helps it's efficacy from what I can read... plus the freshly cracked black pepper and fat source- using virgin unrefined coconut oil as well.

she finally stopped avoiding eating their food that has this mixed in and has been really doing well.... did notice that she has POSSIBLY gained back some weight in her belly area but I may be a bit paranoid but watching her closely... will try to get her weighed again soon - she was really dodging me the last two times I tried so I am trying to make life easier- not go making trouble ;-) haha If she's dodging me that good then she's feeling Ok at least!!
PeeWee has finally also started to try avoiding me as well- quite a change! but can still catch her somewhat easily so checked her weight a couple days ago and she was up to 4lbs even!! That's the highest since she lost so much her keel bone stuck out big time! She's looking great though her crop did start to feel "doughy" again if I massaged it at all while checking her out...though yesterday on their last full day of my second 10day round of ACS (after a full 7 day rest period off it) her crop was finally not getting doughy- just really ?squishy and honestly a bit small...but I'll take it!! I've felt abnormal crops so long now that I'm starting to question what it SHOULD feel like again 🤣

She was pooping normal in front of me for the first time in forever it seems as was Woodsy - out in the run or in the yard...but both STILL seem to having diarrhea overnight under their spots on the roost! ?! FLAT big areas....least they're going as PeeWee really did go so little while she was more blocked than I even realized- DID finallly see longer pieces of very thin fibrous type grass/weed in her first normal poop I saw- was sticking out the top...haha so maybe she really has moved the majority thru! I'm trying hard to keep the grass from getting too long though my DH thinks I'm insane... points to all the chickens on our "road" who just free range all over the place with AWFUL long grass/weeds.... I say- well who knows how they're doing!! They lose chickens left and right too but don't seem to upset by it so getting an impacted crop seems like it wouldn't even hit their radar!🤣
Not being mean- to each their own! Just defending MYself! haha

Hope you are doing well.... Still think of y'all often!!
I'm glad your two sick hens are doing okay and that the antibiotics and turmeric paste have been effective! I've also had great results with turmeric. I hope any weight gain is healthy and not due to water belly or impaction--it can be so hard to tell (and I also get paranoid about any weight gain to that area, so I know how you feel!).

Regarding the doughy crop in PeeWee, does it still fully empty overnight or is there stuff left over? Is PeeWee the one with potential abdominal swelling? Crops can feel a million different ways throughout the day, but what's key is that they're full at night and completely empty in the morning (first thing, before they get a chance to eat or drink). If it's doughy during the day, that could indicate an issue, but it's hard to know unless you check first thing in the morning.

I'm happy to hear you're seeing some normal poops--that's always so heartening. Who would've thought I'd one day care so much about a 10/10 chicken poop (they really make my heart sing lol!). I totally know the deal about neighbors who let they're chickens roam only to get constantly picked off or sick. We dealt with that before. Not a useful comparison!

Hoping all are still doing well in your coop and home!
I'm glad your two sick hens are doing okay and that the antibiotics and turmeric paste have been effective! I've also had great results with turmeric. I hope any weight gain is healthy and not due to water belly or impaction--it can be so hard to tell (and I also get paranoid about any weight gain to that area, so I know how you feel!).

Regarding the doughy crop in PeeWee, does it still fully empty overnight or is there stuff left over? Is PeeWee the one with potential abdominal swelling? Crops can feel a million different ways throughout the day, but what's key is that they're full at night and completely empty in the morning (first thing, before they get a chance to eat or drink). If it's doughy during the day, that could indicate an issue, but it's hard to know unless you check first thing in the morning.

I'm happy to hear you're seeing some normal poops--that's always so heartening. Who would've thought I'd one day care so much about a 10/10 chicken poop (they really make my heart sing lol!). I totally know the deal about neighbors who let they're chickens roam only to get constantly picked off or sick. We dealt with that before. Not a useful comparison!

Hoping all are still doing well in your coop and home!
Good to hear from you! :) Glad to hear as well that things are going OK for you as well using the Turmeric and other things you've mentioned... I still haven't gotten a few things I had planned to- oregano oil or cbd....but have used a tiny bit of my own expensive stuff... but probably not enough to make a difference- haven't done enough research to feel comfortable enough using one not labeled for them....
Forgot to mention the BEST news....PeeWee is now laying again!! Three so far in 4 days! She seems to have her pep really back and her comb is finally back to standing up and flopping around ;-) haha
No she , thank God was never having swelling in that area- her only problem that I could see at least- was that resistant sour crop that then became very slowed... but seems she passed some long grasses and despite some diarrhea still at night?? is doing great!
Had to do a second round of 10 days of ACS in their waterers....WHAT a pain in the ARSE ;-) haha I was getting worried as to what to do next as it was still quite doughy during day even on day 8...but then I noticed her being VERY vocal like she used to be- forgot just HOW much! and looking the boxes....so next day she had a slightly 'off' egg... you know kinda "powdery" and longer and thinner but also to my surprise, a bit blue!

SO I'm totally lost as to who lays what now...:lauI'd have put MONEY on my different looking EE'ger being the one who always laid blue ones and the "twins" (Woodsy and "P") laying green ones-like olive....That was part of how I missed Woodsy's problem as I thought she was laying- at least part of the time as they were green....but low and behold, Dandy who has been laying almost EVERY day has only been laying olive ones... before they all laid every day so I'd occasionally catch someone just after leaving but even then, they were all in the same box! haha
Guess that's a lesson- don't assume anything!! So "P" as she's often called, is my blue egg layer it seems.... guess I'll see once they 'normalize'... they've always been a bit 'off' when they first start laying after a longer break- the few times they've had breaks...
But to answer your question- I've not been out in the early am to check her (been rough for me recently!) and didn't want to set her apart or take up their food etc. messing up their routine to just confirm what her behavior seems to indicate- that she's doing much better but trust me, I'm watching them like a hawk.... ;-)

Enough so to be worried about Woods as I saw some yellow in her poo Thurs. for the first time....I'm late getting out today- long day!- but we'll see... she's been out all day as hubby was doing yardwork and cutting grass! So they have looked super happy foraging their hearts out and chilling in the old barn dirt bath in the afternoon sun!
I know if my heart that it's gonna most likely be an issue again but dreading it and praying for a little miracle! haha Posted just earlier today I think it was asking if one person had gotten an answer- so hard to know what works when many don't come back to fill in the blanks....I know often it's cause the outcome is sad...or we're just tired of spending hours on here and obsessing!! haha
Guess we'll jump off that bridge when/if the time comes... I do think fermenting their food has really been making a difference to all of them.... I'm starting to look into feed and if things like soy affect the reproductive issues, etc....

Anyway-Think of you and your Cherry often- we pray for you both!! :hugs
I have the same issue. One 3 year old golden comet isn't laying at all and hasn't been for weeks. Goes to nesting box a couple times a week and sits for 45 minutes but never an egg. Her poop is runny at times and I have to clean her backside every couple of weeks.... and slightly swollen abdomen but nothing obvious except under palpatation. Other than that eats, runs around and comb looks great. It could be a brewing problem. Time will tell I guess . She last laid in March sometime. I had two other hens with obvious clear issues laying and health issues which turned into having to make that difficult decision..
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I have the same issue. One 3 year old golden comet isn't laying at all and hasn't been for weeks. Goes to nesting box a couple times a week and sits for 45 minutes but never an egg. Her poop is runny at times and I have to clean her backside every couple of weeks.... and slightly swollen abdomen but nothing obvious except under palpatation. Other than that eats, runs around and comb looks great. It could be a brewing problem. Time will tell I guess . She last laid in March sometime. I had two other hens with obvious clear issues laying and health issues which turned into having to make that difficult decision..
Hi! I'm so sorry I didn't see this at the time. How is your hen doing? The slightly swollen abdomen and runny poop would concern me, though if not obviously sick, there's not much you can do but wait and watch (and spoil with extra TLC)!

The hen I originally wrote about took a mini-break and got back to normal laying through the last few months. Then, today, she pulled the fake-out again and I'm worried. I went back to this thread for peace of mind. She, too, is a bit more swollen than the others in the belly--but nothing like those I've lost to internal laying, and a sort of chunkiness (and messy bum) I think she always had during laying season.

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