Sussex NJ Poultry Show

OMG if I had the room (and the money), those sebs were a STEAL lol, $25 a piece, omg and those swans were beautiful and also a good price.

It was great to see those who I did get to see, I missed TWC, but saw her daughter lots, I wanted some of those silkies, but thought they were ridiculous in price for only a couple weeks old. $15 ??? But I found a lady close by who breeds them and works on them to show them, so I may get some eggs and/or birds from her. I came home with nothing also, I didn't see anything I wanted really. Was mostly roos. I did have a guy who wanted all my roos, but I knew there fate. Either eaten which I can sorta handle. cept for the nicer roos from Jeanette, or they would be fighting birds and that I could not deal with. Oh well, 2 are supposed to go to nice people if they call me lol.

Good to see all.
Ok. So I"m an ignorant sucker. I paid $15- each for the Silkies.

What do I know?

newchickenmomma, i think it was you i talked to. I have 18 silkies in the bator as we speak and will be ready beginning of June. Also, had my hubby make me 2 new breeding pens.I do want one of your roos, maybe the blue? pm me you # again, cause I think I got it confused with another.
They were close to my birds and they were there almost all day. We were at the other side of the row with the geese in the carrier. The Sebbies were below it. The guy who sold the cages owned the Sebbies. His name is Pete I think. Sometimes I think you have to keep walking around to see what is new. I swear I see new stuff all the time. I saw a sign that said some guy had young crows, I wish they were out. SO many people were selling out of their cars. If those two cockatiels would have been male and female I would have taken those they were a steal!
That was CHEAP!!

Don't forget you're talking to the person who hasn't spent anything more than $3 on a bird.
It didn't take any more than a look for my dad to turn his face to me and sternly say, "No."

ROFL yea my friend was shocked. In my head I would have done it as a business deal/write off, like if I buy these and they have babies they could have paid for themselves in one hatching... alas you have to have the $400 first! lol
Hey you got to see what you were getting, did not have to keep them heated, and got to see what they looked like. Sometimes that makes it worth it. I agonized over pigeons last time and I ended up not getting them but sometimes one of them just calls to you
Those silkies were cute!
I have to say they were cute but the price kept me away, maybe because I have so many.

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