Swans take their first swim

WAY cute!!! I think I just overloaded from the cute...
I love the last pic with the third one peeking out at the camera! They are beautiful! Is that your tub? So Cute!!
All of you folks who are OD'ing on cute with these pix........

absolutely, they are the cutest babies ever when little, but do you remember the story of the ugly duckling? Once they get to be a couple of months old they spend the next 9-10 months looking absolutely terrible before they turn into the beautiful adult swans.

We've been raising mute swans for 3 years now, and as the daughter of a veterinarian currently "mom" to 60+ animals........they are by far the most nurturing, protective, and parental parents I have ever seen. Their whole family dynamic, from mating rituals through nest building, through raising the chicks is amazing.

If anyone by chance knows of a male mute needing a new mate, please let me know!! You can find more info in the Buy/Sell section!


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