SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless she is broody she won't be interested in the eggs. Just take them and eat them, they are delicious. She will probably start laying an egg almost every day, mine does. And they go by the daylight hours not so much by temperature, the days are getting longer. All of my chickens and my duck are laying nearly every day now, but it's still fairly cold out. The box will be fine to move them in. You can use a crate or whatever is large enough for them. You may want to put a little bit of straw or shavings in the bottom.
I never ate them mimyself but I did give a couple to someone I know and they said they were good. I just don't think I could do it that's just me I did think about it I don't really have the stomach for trying new things and not really an egg person to begin with! Ha ha but about moving them I was going to put one to a box you thibk I should do like two and two? I don't even know how I am going to catch them! Ever since I put them outside they wanted nothing to do with me :-( when they were babies inside they would let me hold them and eat out of my hands now only my one female and sometimes my male will eat out if my hands the other 2 females want nothing to do with me! They only time I got to hold the female that will eat is when she got hurt she let me pick her up and check her out. And after that I think she trusts me a little more now don't no what I did I guess i didn't handle them enough when they were babies.....so it might be hard to catch them! !!! Thanks for the advise
Duck eggs are also awesome for baking. I save mine for baking and use the chicken eggs for egg eating (scrambled, egg salad, etc.)
I love my Swedish I have a blue, a black, and I guess its a brown/silver. They are the younger ones to my Pekin (Jewkie [my first duck ever]).
My girls surprised me this morning. They share a very large coop with chickens and the ducks always lay in the large Rubbermaid totes that I have for their nest boxes. The chickens have large wooden fruit crates for nest boxes and they are sitting on hay bales so they are a couple feet off the ground. The crates are as wide as the hay so their isn't a hay ledge for them to jump on. My 2 Swedish somehow managed to lay in 2 different chicken nest boxes this morning. I just can't figure out how they got in there because they don't fly all that much.

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