Swimming water/waterer?

When should water for swimming be introduced? Do they need that at any point while they are in a brooder or can that wait until they are outside?
As long as it's warm and you get them dry and back under heat lamp they can play in water right off. It's a blast watching ducklings play in water, start out with it just to their bellies then in a few days add more till they can swim but never leave them unattended. ducklings can water log and drown before getting their oil gland working. How old are your ducklings?
As long as it's warm and you get them dry and back under heat lamp they can play in water right off. It's a blast watching ducklings play in water, start out with it just to their bellies then in a few days add more till they can swim but never leave them unattended. ducklings can water log and drown before getting their oil gland working. How old are your ducklings?
We just got them yesterday. So, they are 2 or 3 days old. They are already trying to swim in their waterer. It's a MESS. lol I wasn't sure if I should offer them a small dish that they can at least stand in or just let them continue to splash all their water out of their waterer by walking around in circles with one foot in the basin. I looked at a lot of duck brooder pictures and did not see any type of dish for young ducklings.

Here is a video of them having fun in their water.
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Please be their to watch and dry when your not around put marbles or rocks in waterer I just lost a 4 day old who almost drowned in her waterer and its heartbreaking. Think she had other issues as well but i no the waterer can dangerous till their older. Your babies are darling.
Please be their to watch and dry when your not around put marbles or rocks in waterer I just lost a 4 day old who almost drowned in her waterer and its heartbreaking. Think she had other issues as well but i no the waterer can dangerous till their older. Your babies are darling.
So true I would put marbles or rocks in their waterer, they look so healthy but ducklings have been known to drown in a waterer just that size.
found this in the archives thought it was interesting. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/duck-raisinghousing
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