Swing in the run

I think that a swing would be really fun for chickens. You can make it about a foot off the ground, so if they fall off they won't hurt themselves.
I don't know if mine would like something that moves. They do have an old picnic table though and they love that! They also like the goat's stumps.
I don't have one personally, but have seen pictures of them, and I am planning to add one to our run. I figure it cant' hurt if it's down low, and it's easily reversible.
I just bought a swing for my chickens- they are still young and don't seem too interested, I to think it is too high off the ground so I'll lower it and see what happens.
I don't think chickens care about swinging, so any type of perch in the run would work. A scrap 2x4 is a lot cheaper than a swing.
Chickens are very curious might be scared when it moves with them the first few times l. But I think in no time they'll be pushing each other in it. Think it a good idea

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