Switched to organic Layer Feed which they LOVE, but....

My chickens turned their beaks up at Stonyfield Plain Greek yogurt as well.....until I threw some Japanese Beetles in it! Then they ate the entire container!

As i feared (it's not pelleted) they left a lot of the fine powder in the bottom, they attacked it with gusto though, clearly they love it. It's Scratch and Peck Naturally Free Layer Feed, it's local and apparently it sells very well.

They say to mix w/yogurt if powder is left at the bottom, did that and ehhh, turned their beaks up at it kind of (have 4 hens) and i don't have time to babysit hens like this but i really want them to have the best in feed.

I like that i can get it locally (Snohomish, WA) don't know what other reputable company makes a good organic pelleted food with no soy or corn....
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