Swollen Comb


10 Years
Feb 1, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
First time raising chickens. I have 5, raised from 1 week old chicks and now they are 3 1/2 months old. No problems until 2 days ago I noticed one of my Plymouth Barred Rocks with a swollen comb. The other chickens barely have combs coming out. This one has a very swollen part and on the other side it has black dots. I read in another forum that I should use Neosporin to treat. Is this the correct treatment? Will the swelling go away after a few days? or is it something more serious?
Thank you.
I'm not really sure what is causing the swelling. I wonder if she could have been stung on the comb. My other thought is based on your description of little black dots which makes me think of dry fowl pox, but I have never heard of swelling with that. Dry fowl pox is not dangerous and I don't think it is spread from chicken to chicken, and it just runs it course. I think it is spread by mosquitoes. Anyway, neosporin cant hurt.

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