Swollen Ears


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
River Falls, WI
My pullet has battled and beat a respiratory infection with her eyes getting stuck shut by using Terramycin, but now her ears are very swollen. Why? And what should I do?
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She could still have blockage/infection in her ears. Any signs of buildup at the ear? I'm not sure what to do if there is except to maybe soften it to remove.

Are you sure it's the ears and not the wattles? Some diseases show symptoms of swollen wattles. I can't remember which one off the top of my head, but if it is the wattles, you may want to research her ailment more.
Here is a picture of her right before the swelling started. I circled the swollen area, which I assume is her ear. She acts as if she is not feeling well, but continues to eat. I think her oil gland is also swollen at the base of her tail. I don't see any exterior build-up in her ear.
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