Swollen side of face, Cyst Surgery

Let us know what he says!

I went to the vet today, The birds vet is on vacation, the only available vet was the dogs and cats vet, he don't know much about peafowls or birds, so i just asked him to give the birds half cc of Tylan 200, just like the previous time.
The first page talks a lot about draining this, but let me assure you that a mass of pus cannot be drained.

We have only cut one bird open to get the pus out and it was the wild turkey that adopted us. We, and the bird, did ok, not much blood and he healed up fine, but it was too traumatic for me. When the chickens and then the peas came down with the swollen face because of the pus in the sinuses I just decided to try to work it out thru the eye. Bill holds the bird securely while I use a qtip to clean and open the eyelid then I gently work the pus up and out thru the lower lid. Sometimes I can get chunks out as big as my fingernail. When done I spray the eye with Vetricyn Eye Wash. Next time we have to do this I will work on pushing the pus out of the top of the mouth also.
Here is a pic of the pus that was squeezed out.

It just amazes me that a thick glob like that will come out. Next time we need to do this I think we will put one finger inside the mouth against the roof and the thumb on the outside under the sinus and push it up and out through the eye socket. We also used Vetricyn Eye Wash and an eye antibacterial gel we got from the vet. We also wet the Q-tips with saline solution.
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