tad slow this morning... is everyone out waiting in line at stores?

The nearest door to bust is over an hour from me. The door I would even consider busting is 2 hours away.

Nah, I will save the gas money and shop online.
hubby is working and I am home with 3 children, so needless to say I wont be doing any Black Friday shopping this year. I know some people will take the kids and all, but not me, I am not a glutton for punishment! I do have to go out though and get diapers, I completely forgot to get some and only have a few left. So now I am going to have to brave the crowds just to get diapers, lucky me.
Today is payday for us... which means hubby's boss getting them done, then hubby getting time to go to the bank, then calling me and me going up there to hit him up... since that could take all day the only store I really looked at was Macy's... as I have their card and it has 0 balance...

So, there were a couple items I thought worth the effort... so I set the alarm for 4 (doors open at 5)...
Figure I could go there and be back before hubby leaves for work at 7 and wouldn't have to get our son up...

Woke up at 6:45 ... my loving dear had killed my alarm... after I quite specifically told him I set it for 4...

So there went that idea... and that was too late to even try and make it to half price books by 7 either...

Every year DD and I check the ads and make a game plan for black Friday. We write down what's on sale at what stores in a notebook. We hit the stores at 4:00AM. We don't go crazy. We just go in and buy the specials that have written in our notebooks. The year DDIL went with us. We know which stores we can get in and out of and which ones you can't. Heck, you can even get sales on chicken feed and horse feed at the farm stores. Most of my Christmas shopping was done before today. I'm finished now. I just have to finish making a couple of throw pillows and I will have all of my gifts ready. The tree will go up tomorrow. Everything will be wrapped and under the tree by Monday. Cards will be in the mail by the end of next week. Unfortunately, I have to work on black Friday. I only get 4 hours of shopping done before I have to be at my desk at 8:00AM
Don't let my dad see that. He'll worry about me because I'm talking to his definition of crazy people. My mom wanted us to be out at 4 AM. I said, "Are you insane?" Mother said, "What kind of Christmas shopper are you? You have to be up at four so that you can be shopping by five." I said, 'The kind that doesn't want to get killed."
Black Friday is deadly. A guard got killed last year. He was opening the door to let the people in and then the herd of screaming people knocked him down and trampled him. I once was in a store with my mom on black friday once. I saw people screaming and pushing people around. I once saw someone hit someone with a cart on video. My mother is at a store now. Let's hope she makes it out alive and unwounded.
Town (Wilmington, NC) was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The lines were long, but you were not in line very long because the businesses had things very organized. You could find decent parking spots and people were civil and polite for once. We were in town by 5 am and left by lunch time. It was well worth it!
Don't let my dad see that. He'll worry about me because I'm talking to his definition of crazy people. My mom wanted us to be out at 4 AM. I said, "Are you insane?" Mother said, "What kind of Christmas shopper are you? You have to be up at four so that you can be shopping by five." I said, 'The kind that doesn't want to get killed."
Black Friday is deadly. A guard got killed last year. He was opening the door to let the people in and then the herd of screaming people knocked him down and trampled him. I once was in a store with my mom on black friday once. I saw people screaming and pushing people around. I once saw someone hit someone with a cart on video. My mother is at a store now. Let's hope she makes it out alive and unwounded.

Just stay away from Walmart, Target and Best Buy. For some reason they attract the idiots on black Friday (especially Walmart). We learned years ago that it was useless to go to those places. They never have enough items in stock and the check out lines are too slow. Planning is the key.

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