Tail Feathers and sex determination? Rhode Island Reds & mix


Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2022
Granbury, Texas (near Fort Worth)
I have a question about tail feather growth. Is there any correlation for Rhode Island Reds and first tail-feather growth? I can see that the tail feathers on the 3 Cream Legbars that have strong chipmunk patterns are developing fairly quickly. The chick that is already developing a noticeable comb (who I think is pure RIR) has no tail feathers yet. Some of the other chicks that have mixed parentage and uncertain sex have pronounced tails while others do not.

This is a photo of "Fluffy Flufferton" who does have a pronounced tail. Hopefully it is a she, so I can keep her for eggs. Otherwise, another chick will have to assume the identity that was given by my almost-4-year old granddaughter. :)

I've read a bunch of old threads that talk of tail feather growth on chicks, many saying that it is somewhat reliable, but can depend... of all the threads I found where posters were "testing" the premise, I haven't found any where they posted the final conclusions after grow out.


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