
May 16, 2024
I got 4 week old chickens 1 black copper marran 1 buff Orpington and 2 California whites I was wondering if I could put them outside and they could snuggle as they sleep, in the night it is in the 60s
I got 4 week old chickens 1 black copper marran 1 buff Orpington and 2 California whites I was wondering if I could put them outside and they could snuggle as they sleep, in the night it is in the 60s
4 weeks old is a bit young to be at 60 as they don't have all their feathers to help themselves stay warm. If you could wait another week they'd be better off. We've done it but have a cozy coop radiant panel heater they can lean on if they get chilled.

temp chart.jpg
Cute chicks!

Yes, you can see the fuzz on them yet, especially the buff one it's obvious. Another week or two and they'd be fine. Pushing it could make them get chilled and then sick.

I've hauled chicks back and forth to let them be outside during the day, then back inside at night. We recently had to do it for 7 of them for a couple of weeks until we got the cozy coop set up for them. It's been in the 40s here at night.
You'll get different opinions, but I would have 4 week olds off heat in 60s as long as they've been acclimated to the temperatures via outside exposure and/or having heat options removed if brooding indoors.

I have 4 week olds off heat in the 40s, but the caveat is I brood outdoors so they acclimate to temps as they grow.

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